
Main Entry: Lent
Pronunciation: ‘lent
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English lente springtime, Lent, from Old English lencten; akin to Old High German lenzin spring
: the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter observed by the Roman Catholic, Eastern, and some Protestant churches as a period of penitence and fasting


What is Diva giving up for Lent? Things that harm my body, mind, and soul. I know it sounds a bit flaky, but bear with me…

Body-Elimination of fast foods, sweets, and alcohol. Contrary to popular belief, WW’s staff dentist didn’t remove my sweet tooth. I battle the urge to dive into fatty treats like everyone else. The kicker? I feel GREAT when I eat clean. Physically and mentally, I get a major boost from eating healthy. So…why the urge to crack open a can o’ frosting every now and then? Who knows! A 6-week break from the “bad” stuff will improve things…inside and out.

Mind-I’ve talked about seeing a therapist for years now. Well…I actually made an appointment. I’ve finally realized that this lifestyle change is pretty deep…and a sistah needs to vent. Losing half of myself applies to more than the scale numbers, ya know? I doubt that I’ll discuss my sessions here. Some things are too personal…

Soul-I have been slowly removing myself from a couple of friendships and while it may be the right decision, I am taking the wrong approach. I’ve been avoiding serious discussion and that will change. I always give so much to my friends…and  a couple of them don’t even bother to meet me halfway. Why am I wasting my time and energy? I will speak my mind and then move forward.

I don’t talk much about religion here, so don’t look for too many “Lent updates”. I just wanted to share my plan.

Until next time,



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February 9, 2005

You Lent us some more inspirations…best wishes with your plans.

February 9, 2005

Lord, Courtney, we are the exact same person, I swear.

girl you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you lost two undered pounds! great job. You have so much control. OMG that is awesome! My head is spinning. Keep is up sis-unless your 6’1 or somthing-we don’t you to be a stick figure! xoxox rock on

February 10, 2005

First—love the colors. Sounds like a good plan. Therapy is a wonderful idea. I’ve been dodging that ball for years myself. I’m sure you will do great!

Yep, my Lent disciplines are similiar to yours. I hope you had a meaning Ash Wednesday, and this is to all of the blessings and revelations that Lent will bring. Smooches…

February 10, 2005

You’ve obviously done lots of thinking on this. You are very inspiring.

Good choices, Courtney!

February 10, 2005

You are so courageous. —

You go girl. Mind, soul and then body will feel lighter. And you know what, everything that you give up gives you space for something else. I pray you’ll fill that space with wholesome things and people who truly love and appreciate you. You really are a gift to all of us who are struggling with our own weight issues and … other issues. Much much love – Shelly

February 10, 2005

Sounds like a great plan, really it does. People like to give up stuff just for the heck of it, but you have a purpose for everything you are “giving up”. Best of luck with all your endeavors.

Hey Diva – I am so proud of you for all that you have already accomplished and can’t wait to see all that is yet to come!! You are such a major inspiration to me. I hope that this Lent season brings you everything you are searching for related to mind, body, and soul. It will come together for you!!!! Have faith…. ((((((HUGS))))))(((((((HUGS))))))))and more (((((HUGS))))!!!!! —PEACE—

February 10, 2005

good plans

February 10, 2005

lovely the stripes look good

Those are awesome goals C. You can do it and you should be proud of yourself for just thinking that way. Therapy is a good thing. TRUST ME! I LOVE YOU!!

Good on you to have the will power to give up those things.

February 10, 2005
February 10, 2005

New look is interesting *smiles*……Just wanted to say thank you again for all the motivation you provide. I aspire to be just like you!!!