Leaving AOL…aka Mob Tactics 101

As I mentioned, I recently installed cable modem/service and made the decision to cancel AOL. When I mentioned my plan to a friend, he laughed and told me “good luck”. Apparently, leaving AOL is not the easiest thing to do. After putting it off for a few days, I made the call today.

AOL Jack: Thank you for calling. How can I improve your internet service today?

Diva: Hi Jack. I’d like to cancel my account, please.

AOL Jack: I’m sorry to hear that. I can help you.

:::Name, address, account info verification:::

AOL Jack: Ok, I see you’ve been a member with us since 1996. Why are you wanting to leave such a great service?

Diva: I honestly don’t utilize the majority of the features, Jack…and I’m ready to cancel.

AOL Jack: I can certainly understand that. I see that you’re running version 6.0 of the service. What I’ll do is send you the most current version so you can enhance your AOL experience.

Diva: I just want to cancel my account, please.

AOL Jack: May I ask why you want to discontinue your service?

At this point, I’m getting pissed off. I decide to go the sob story route

Diva: Jack, I’ve recently lost my job and AOL is an expense that needs to be cut immediately.

AOL Jack: I think I can help you. Uh huh The next time you sign on to AOL, go to Keyword: Job Search. That will help out your situation.

Can you believe this ASSHOLE?

Diva: Jack, I want to cancel my service…now…without anymore customer saves.

AOL Jack: No problem. Your cancel code is ******. The request will go through immediately. You’ll be able to access your account through the end of the month and will not be billed for November. I’m sorry that you decided to leave the service, but we welcome you back at any time.

Thanks, JackASS…

My paranoid nature caused me to call back an hour later to make sure the account was canceled and the number Jack gave me was valid. AOL Mike advised my account was in a “state of cancellation”. Umm, not good enough. So, I called AGAIN. AOL Lisa advised that my request had been handled. I’m going to call again later this week. LOL

You know, AOL brags about the millions and millions of members it has. I wonder how many of them are folks that want to cancel, but don’t want to deal with the drama? Chesty works for a credit card company and she said there are quite a few people with recurring monthly charges that don’t even realize it. These folks just write out a check every month to pay the credit card bill without looking at the detailed statement. Incredible.

By the way, my new email address is wwdiva@attbi.com. Please do not use the mob address any longer.

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I know what you mean. We wanted to cancel AOL a while ago and switch to Earthlink. To get the aol customer service rep off our backs we told him we had a loss of income and couldn’t afford it anymore. His response was to give us three free months lol. So I guess we’ll try again in three months! They are really persistent!

I’ve always stayed far, far away from AOL, but I did have a similiar experience trying to cancel my Real Networks subscription. I have to admire those reps who stay civil yet are so firm. They take advantage of the fact most people are polite and have a hard time saying no. As much as it is a pain in the ass, I have to wonder, are these tactics legal? Either way, good for you for…

not giving in. 🙂 Enjoy your new broadband experience. 🙂

One time my server went down and I needed net access so I activated a trial free AOL and then canceled it after a few weeks and they kept giving me free AOL when i kept telling them No, please…take it back. I don’t need all the garbage of services it offers and yet one can not use since others are using it. It was always jammed busy and slow to move.

Watch out Diva, the AOL mobsters will ‘git ya. Glad you posted a picture of yourself — or I am presuming that is you at the beginning of your diary. You are very pretty! And my hero personally.

I know how you feel. I went through the same drama when I cancelled my AOL and the fools tried to convince me to keep the service when I told them I had installed a cable modem. Idiots! I know you’re going to just love broadband.

October 7, 2002

🙂 This was so funny to read. Poor Jack…he was reading his script to you and you got mad. hahahaha. I can’t believe he told you to type in jobsearch!!! Enjoy broadband.

I HATE AOL – I’ve had more problems with them in my lifetime then I care to talk about… Ugh…

AOL does suck.

i don’t Mind aol, its not the best service out there, but, for my mother its good, and i scammed them into giving her 2 more months free, but i was getting mad at their rep this afternoon, they were doing the same thing. Chris

I am so glad that I never spent day 1 on AOL; ever since I went online I have had Earthlink and I love it. *happy dance*

October 9, 2002

I think the AOL folks are used to dealign with, largely, non-computer savvy users, so they can be more.. convincing in perhaps turning folks back to AOL if they get frustrated with something.

Dern! I think you did well to hold your temper in while he was trying to save you from the doom of letting AOL go for good.