Katie Leslie…

…Captain of the US air flight that crashed in Charlotte, is a childhood friend of mine. We met @ dance class in 3rd grade…and graduated together from Lamar high school in 1995.

Katie was nice to everyone. She was genuine…and will be missed.

I know that everything happens for a reason and God’s will should not be questioned…but it’s only natural to wonder why

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I’ll never understand myself. I’m sorry for your loss.

January 9, 2003

I am sorry to hear of oyur loss- Hugs to you- Courtney T.

January 9, 2003

I wondered if you knew her! I’m so sorry for your loss.

We live in a small world. Someone usually knows someone even when we don’t. It was a tragedy. I am sorry too.

I am so, so sorry, C. Hugs to you.

(((HUGS)))) I’m so sorry for your loss.

