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January 10, 2006

Poor thing! Feel better soon!

January 10, 2006

I know exactly what you’re going through. SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP! It’s the best cure.

January 10, 2006

girl, you are crazy! hope you feel better soon……

January 10, 2006

feel better soon!!!

January 10, 2006


January 10, 2006

(((hugs))) Linette

January 10, 2006

awee, poor baby, hope you feel better really soon.

January 10, 2006

You poor thing. Hang in there!!! 🙂

that bitch flo shows up at the worst times! when i was in the hospital getting my gall bladder out…THE BITCH SHOWED UP! grrr…. oh and maybe this will make you feel better. rumor has it, lance done dumped sheryl! GO DIVA GO DIVA GET YO WHITE BOY ON!

Ugh, that is a bad combo! Hope you’re better soon!

January 10, 2006

oy, poor chica!! feel better soon!

January 10, 2006

RYN: thank you, girl. I appreciate your notes….

January 10, 2006

eeek I didn’t notice your name change and I thought I had lost oyur diary….

January 10, 2006

fell better soon!!!

Oh SISTER…me too!! Smooches…

January 10, 2006

You’ve been triple whammied…hope it gets better soon.

January 11, 2006

Hello I was noted by someone who said you were an amazing diarist and I should check you out. I added you to my favorites.. is that okay? If not, that’s okay.. I will delete it. -S

January 13, 2006

Question – I thought one time – maybe awhile ago – you posted a link for a good website listing walks/runs. Am I imagining things? Wanted to find some local walks in the Chicago area but google is giving me loads of junk to sift through – I know there is a website out there……hmm…