Just Peachy…

Everything is going well! Workouts have been great…eating has been postively angelic (and the scale shows it). I am extremely focused right now and I love it. Yes, I want to be more toned for my next trip…but I also have my high school reunion motivation. Good grief…still can’t believe it’s been 10 years. I’m sad that my buddy Lynn will not get the chance to do a  "big reveal"…her reunion was canceled due to lack of response. Maybe she’ll hop on a plane and join me at my soiree? LOL Even though it’s not her class,  she can still show off her photos and get praise.

So…Chesty and I are heading to Weatherford tomorrow morning for the Peach Pedal. 27 miles on a bike…in July. In my last entry,  a reader called me a fitness nutcase. LOL If the cycling shoe fits…

If we survive the heat When we triumphantly cross the finish line, we’ll do a bit of shopping at the Parker County Peach Festival. Y’all need some peaches?   The event will have plenty of diet disasters, so I’m hoping motivation/willpower will be high after I peel myself off the bike.

There’s no better way to beat the summer heat than by enjoying peachy treats! Get your fill of homemade peach ice cream (more than 350 gallons!), peach cobbler (more than 2,000 servings!), peach pie, peach juleps, peach tea, peach smoothies, ice cream topped with fresh peaches or just plain ol’ juicy peaches! There will be mock Fuzzy Navels, as the Peach Festival is a "family- friendly" and alcohol-free event.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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July 8, 2005

Oh, hey! I’m sure you’ll be earning some serious AP’s. Use them for a splurge at the Peach Festival. Have fun! I wish I could go. Sounds soooo good.

July 8, 2005

Oh my goodness… 27 miles… that’s incredible! Good luck eating only what you really want to eat afterward! Of course I’m sure you’ll share stories. :)–

July 8, 2005

I wish I lived closer, I’d be down there to cheer you on. Enjoy a peach or two for me, ok?

Oooooh…I want to go.

July 8, 2005

Good luck girl!

Good for you C… Its so hard to get back on track and you do it well. Good luck at the Peach thing..lol (Jackie)

July 8, 2005

I want to go. Of course, I’d skip the cycling and head straight for the peachy sin table…

July 8, 2005

RYN: thanks for your note!

July 8, 2005

MMMMMMMM….. Fuzzy Navels….. Have one (or four) for me! 🙂 27 miles??? That’s one hell of a ride, sister. But if anyone can do it, you can! 🙂

July 8, 2005

I think you’ll earn a slice of peach cobbler with the 27 mile ride, woo hoo!

July 8, 2005

ONEderland is around the corner!!! wohoo, congratulations Diva…

July 8, 2005

Mmmmm….peaches. It is next to impossible to get decent peaches in Montana. Linette

Well, just drink a lot of peachy stuff and you will be just fine. Sometimes peaches can give you the “bubbly stomach” so no worries. I’m proud of you C! Smooches…

I’ll take a bushel of fresh peach cobbler…uh…I mean peaches please! ((blushes))

July 9, 2005

mmmmm peach ice cream is yummmmmy!