Just a quick note…

To say that after several WEEKS away from WW meetings, I went back this morning. The scale was ugly after Snowmageddon in Dallas and the yummy carbs that you’re required to eat for survival in the frozen tundra. *side eye*

Some of you wonder (via private notes, email and possibly just in your head lol) why I continue to stick with a program that hasn’t been completely successful for me. I disagree with that mindset. Yes, I’ll reach my 10-year anniversary next month and no, I’m not close to goal weight. However, I see it as a success simply because after all of this time, I haven’t faded into weight loss oblivion and returned to my former self. I’m still significantly lower than my "before" weight and I’m a completely different person these days. Weight Watchers (along with a host of supportive friends, family and diary buddies) saved my life. No dramatics, there…real talk. I may never be skinny, but I’ll always be active.

With that said, I’ve decided to (once again) return to basics with the program. I weighed in today and had my stats labeled as Week 1. While I’ll never forget the weight I saw in March 2001, I need to file it away and move on. My "new" journey starts today. I’ve made a commitment to attend meetings regularly, use eTools to track my daily progress and do the new program to the letter (i.e. not Courtney-fying it). As for fitness, I’m working my way back to 5x/week in the gym. I’d also like to start posting more here. I won’t promise daily entries, but you’ll see more from me. 🙂

site meter



I hope you all have a great weekend…

Log in to write a note

I completely understand. I feel the same way about the program and that’s why I keep going back to it. And you know, when I follow it, it really does work — even with this new point system. (Didn’t like it at first, but now I’ve adjusted.) I wish you all the best on your new journey!

February 12, 2011

Awesome! I just rejoined online last night after looking at a bunch of old pictures from 2005. I can’t believe I looked that good and let myself go! I’m glad we’re back on the wagon at the same time! Now time to learn the new program….

February 12, 2011

Beautiful attitude! I may just feel inspired to join you. I was doing really well, but plateaued for ten weeks. And kind of…gave up. But with the glimmer of better weather on the horizon I am feeling less defeated.

February 12, 2011

i just cant take to the new pro points, dunno if im gonna keep going. Well done you x

*fist bump* Rock it, girl! 🙂

Good for you!

February 16, 2011

that is awesome sis i too will be writing here more often unfortunately i dont have a fitness buddy but i hope to hey a real life fit buddy.

February 18, 2011

Good for you my love.. than damn Snowmaggedon effed us all up, I think.. but glad you’re getting back to where you want. I firmly believe you can do it. 🙂

*coming out of lurkdom* i haven’t visited your diary in a MINUTE and today i decided to catch-up on what i’ve missed. You look GREAT! I LOVE your hair and congrats on sticking w/the journey. -minacakes

Hey Miss Courtney!! Where’ve ya been?? Please come back!! Please update! PLEASE POST!!! I miss you!!! Ps. I have been following you for like 9 years (since the original SOWW-sisters on Weight Watcher site).

May 13, 2011

How are things going? Just checking in…

Please check in and let us know how you are doing.