July Cavegirl Report!

Hello Lovelies!

This month’s report is going to be short and sweet…have an appointment soon. Paleo is still rocking my socks off! My pain level has decreased a lot. I still battle fatigue from time to time, but I think it’s to be expected. Autoimmune basically means your body attacks itself. I suppose being at war 24/7 would make anyone tired, eh? A big element of the of the Paleo lifestyle is adequate sleep, so I’ve been focusing on that lately. Occasionally I do need some help, so I take 3mg of Melatonin from the health food store. It gives me a restful sleep and I don’t feel groggy in the morning.

I haven’t had anymore inflammatory issues since removing tomatoes from my diet (still crying over that one, but I’ll live). I’ve started allowing one non-Paleo meal per week into the mix and I find that even that choice is made with a little bit of Paleo in mind. My big monster cheat meal? A date at my favorite sushi restaurant to have a beloved roll…the small amount of rice doesn’t affect me negatively and I get to indulge my sushi habit weekly. The idea of splurging on my previous favorites (cake, cookies, pasta) doesn’t appeal to me anymore. Once I got proof of how certain foods affected me internally, it was a wrap! It’s a shame that it took being diagnosed with a disease to make me a believer…but everything happens as it should. I allow one other occasional indulgence…dark chocolate. I really like the Endangered Species brand (I found it at Whole Foods). I get the individually wrapped squares…72% cocoa content…with almonds and cranberries. Yum. One square is enough to satisfy.

Anyway, I feel I’ve adapted very well to this way of eating…no longer in my experimental phase…this is life for me now…and I’m pretty happy about my decision. Weight-wise, I lost 9.2 lbs in July…bringing my Paleo total to 36.2 lbs! Go Coco Go!

Hope all is well with everyone…

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July 25, 2012

Great job cavegirl! 🙂

July 25, 2012

I have gone the Paleo route as well but only for breakfast and lunches. Dinners, because it’s with the family or bf, is harder to ensure it’s Paleo because of everyone’s taste. But I fill up on veggies or a huge salad esp when I know there are carbs on the menu. I feel much better and have lost 6 lbs so far. And no more bloating! Yay!! So thank you for the movitation to do this.

Great to hear how well you are doing. I’m so glad this programme is working so well for you.

July 25, 2012

Very impressive. Sounds like the Paleo way is the right way. I’ve heard this from others. It sure is hard for me to give up old habits though. You just keep going girl!

July 25, 2012

RYN: well we also cook at home and try not to eat out very much. So that helps too. 🙂 But you are right there is a lot of processed food out there!

July 25, 2012

Hey, I went to my first CrossFit class tonight…it totally kicked my ass and rocked at the same time! Oohhhh, and chocolate…I love Trader Joes Dark Chocolate Truffle Bar…..it’s SSSOOOO good.

July 26, 2012

Wow you are awesome! So glad you are doing so well! 🙂

August 3, 2012