Joining the club…

Go to google image search.

Type in your answers to the following questions and post the first image* result for each:

*some of google’s images suck…so I cheated a bit and used the photos *I* wanted…

1. place you grew up

2. place you live now

3. favorite cartoon

4. favorite food (you didn’t say favorite healthy food…)

5. favorite drink (again, nothing in the memo stated it had to be "healthy")

6. favorite song (Ordinary People)

7. favorite smell


8. favorite shoes

The Nikes are a necessary evil…fat girls that run definitely need "shox".

The froufrou sandals were purchased simply because I’m a shoe whore and wanted them. I will eventually purchase an outfit that’s suitable for these CFMs. I just couldn’t pass on a good deal for great lookin’ shoes.

Where did I get them? Here. Don’t say I never give you anything…


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March 10, 2005

I *heart* your Nikes!

March 10, 2005

I have shox shoes like that, only they were Payless bought. 🙂 Girl, your first two pictures look amazingly similar. heehee You can actually see the town where my Mom and sister work on your map though, that’s cool!

Love the shoes!!!

March 10, 2005

omg, i lurv that margarita 3-in-1. stupid prissy snot at sephora was like: no, we don’t have it in stock. we have pina colada. i turned back to my purchases and was like: no. Ankh says he rolled his eyes at me. i say, get the stick out of his ass and he might be a decent employee.

March 10, 2005

Cute shoes!

March 10, 2005

World traveller, hm? Lol! I did end up 120 miles from my home town, but I moved across the country for a few years first…Linette

You’re the second fave with the Shox. Ima have to get me some I think. ryn: no worries it just makes me more of a bad ass when stuff like this happens! 🙂 And yeah girl, I do and it sucks. lol

March 10, 2005

I wish I could wear frou frou shoes like that without falling on my head. No grace in this one, no grace at all.

March 10, 2005

^ *nods* He did roll his eyes at her. He was a prissy bit*h.

March 10, 2005

RYN: hahahah. its all good, but thanks for the offer. i’ve cut it before and it came it really good. in fact, even my stylist was shocked i did it myself. 🙂 and if i do fvck it up, it’ll still look better than it does now! 🙂 hahah kidding. but u r so funny! 🙂

March 10, 2005

random question.. how do you stay motivated to work out? how do you make it enjoyable? i don’t wanna get stuck in a rut. 🙂

oh and it wasn’t hard to convince him. As soon as he found out you were as he calls it, “hot chocolate”, he was all over it! lol, he has a thing for hot black girls. You would qualify. 🙂

youre welcome

March 11, 2005

RYN: when is LAF this year? i’ll make my vacation plans now. 🙂 also, i’m really going to try hard to come to Texas for the summer. i’d really love to spend all three months out there, but BossLady would probably shoot me for even asking…lol

March 11, 2005

wow, i just randomed in and i wanted to say how impressed i am with how well you’ve done. i’m struggling to overcome a food addiction and it’s hard. you’ve given me hope. good luck