January Focus

After the previous entry, I feel the need to put a positive spin on things. Yes, my NYE sucked…but that was last year and great things will happen in 2004.

I don’t plan to overanalyze my weight loss journey, but I will be making a few adjustments.

January 2004

I will no longer have a “cheat day” every week. There are a lot of debates on the effectiveness of cheat days. I personally feel they are a necessary part of my own journey. Why? They help me stay movitated and keep my cravings in check. However, I must point out that I’m not recommending them to anyone. While the term implies differently, I don’t see this as “cheating”. A common weight loss mistake is becoming too strict with diet/exercise. I don’t need to be 100% to drop pounds. I’ve lost my weight being OP 80% of the time…something I can live with. I’ve never broadcast my cheat days because I didn’t feel the need. A lot of people have at least one day per week when they allow themselves to be more free with their program (usually immediately following a weigh-in…LOL). My typical cheat day involved a “normal” breakfast/lunch and then dinner of my choice. So…what’s changing? My cheat days will now occur once every 2 weeks. As I get closer to goal, I feel the need to tighten things up a bit. I’m a smaller person now…which means I have to raise the workout bar and reduce junk food in order to keep moving in the right direction. Also, I am trying to be more aware and selective of what goes into my body. I will be asking a lot from it in 2004…and the least I can do is give it the best fuel possible, right?

5 cardio/3 weight training sessions per week. 2-3 of the weekly cardio sessions will be in spinning class. I’ll be taking the instructor seminar in February. At that time, I’ll have a clear picture of what’s expected for certification and will make necessary adjustments.

Lose 5 lbs. I don’t know about anyone else, but I feel major relief that the holidays are over. January is the time to get the scale truly moving again. I’ll let you in on a little secret. I would like to reach goal weight by the end of the year. It’s lofty, but I’m keeping my eyes on the prize.

That’s the skinny on January. Nothing too major…but the Space Race (40 miles) is coming and it will surely bring drama. 🙂

Enough about me…what will YOU be focusing on this month?

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Oh girl, you are ‘THERE’! With those changes, I know you will reach your goal weight. You have such a great attitude. I’ll be here, watching your wonderful progress and wishing I was as outgoing and brave as you are. Good Luck. -AW

January 1, 2004

Drama? You think they’ll be drama? Come, now. 🙂

Well, you came to my diary so you know what I am focusing on this year! 🙂 I just had to drop by again to tell you I checked out your site and it made me cry. You have come such a LONG way and you’re SO inspiring to me. I feel like I CAN do this. You seem to be such a positive, motivated person and that is great. Good luck with the rest of your journey. I thank you…..

for sharing your ownp personal story for people like me who need to do this also. Be well~

January 1, 2004

You are putting me to shame girl!! Go for it; I’ll be cheering for you.

January 1, 2004

Don’t fool yourself either woman… you keep me going too! Aren’t we just all warm and fuzzy today? *hugs*

yeah I have beeen fighting the same two pounds for three weeks now. I sometimes have “cheat dinners” after weigh in. Actually we have a subway in the same mall as weigh in. I weigh -in at the start of weigh in, and my buddy and I dart over and get a 6 inch veggie subs and a diet soda eat it and come back for the meeting…man it is satisfying and and isn’t technically a cheat…

January 1, 2004


good for you I wish you more success this year

January 1, 2004

I am going to be focusing about getting back on point in January, back to my eating plan, less snacking, I was lax over the holiday. I also need to get back to walking my 8-12 miles a week depending on my work schedule. I have already done my 8 for the week.

I will be focusing on trying to get into the 190’s and moving past that. I haven’t been having a good time lately! Tontoy 242.2/201/Who Knows

is it possible to package motivation? u could make a fortune!

January 3, 2004

I’m definitely glad the holiday eating fest season is over! Good luck with your January goals. I think your idea of a ‘cheat’ day every other week is great. I may have to adopt that as well. 🙂

January 5, 2004

I need you here beating me over the head to join you. I’m going to go back through and copy off your daily menus and start trying to follow those.

January 7, 2004

I’m definitely also glad the holidays are over… now if my motivation would just come back….–