Is this really necessary?

Hardee’s serves up 1,420-calorie burger
Fast-food giant skips diet craze, creates fat-filled sandwich
The Associated Press
Updated: 12:47 p.m. ET Nov. 16, 2004

ST. LOUIS – As many fast-food chains introduce healthier fare amid fears of being sued, Hardee’s is serving up a hamburger with 1,420 calories and 107 grams of fat.

St. Louis-based Hardee’s Food Systems Inc. on Monday rolled out its Monster Thickburger — two 1/3-pound slabs of Angus beef, four strips of bacon, three slices of cheese and mayonnaise on a buttered sesame seed bun. The sandwich alone sells for $5.49, $7.09 with fries and a soda.

The introduction comes at a time when McDonald’s Corp., Wendy’s International Inc. and other fast-food giants have broadened their offerings of salad and other lower-calorie fare amid concerns that the industry could be held legally liable for America’s obesity epidemic. Last year, a federal judge in New York dismissed two class-action suits blaming McDonald’s for making people fat. McDonald’s was also skewered earlier this year by “Super Size Me,” an award-winning documentary that targeted the fast food industry.

Even before the new Monster Thickburger, the chain offered five sandwiches with 1,000 calories or more, and eight overall that have more calories than what was once the big-burger standard — McDonald’s 600-calorie Big Mac.

“Maybe this is a smart strategy because there are still folks out there who care about the taste and size of their sandwich, and less about their weight,” said Jerry McVety, president of the restaurant consulting firm McVety & Associates in Farmington Hills, Mich.




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November 16, 2004

107 grams of fat?!? What the f*** are they smoking? I don’t suppose they advertise the nutritional content of this sandwich in-store. That just makes me mad.–

November 16, 2004

Oh goodness…just looking at that makes my bowels want to move:)

November 16, 2004

That is so disgusting.

November 16, 2004

That is revolting. It makes me ill to even look at it.

November 16, 2004

isn’t it sad that there are people who will actually buy that and eat it? It’s like paying $5 for an instant heart attack. yuck.

November 16, 2004

am i wrong for thinking that looks damn tasty? and then feeling bad about it.

November 16, 2004


Holy CRAP.

November 16, 2004

I’d be afraid Id get clogged up…this is unreal…hope you’re having a great week…

November 16, 2004

God that looks so gross. Im so glad I dont eat red meat.

November 16, 2004

Oy, that made my stomach churn just reading about it.

November 16, 2004

Yuk…it doesn’t even look good.

November 17, 2004

I heard about this on the radio the other day..INSANE!

Ewww. It doesn’t even look good!

November 17, 2004

I just heard this on the radio this morning on my way to work. It’s absolutely crazy! That would be well over my days points limit … Heh. For ONE burger! :-o/

They are unbelievable…I saw that on the news last night. America is fighting obesity at all ages and this is what they are doing. Heart attack on a bun….seems like the FDA could step in and save some lives. Sorry for my soap box rantings. My daughters just battle my fast food habits I created and I thank God there is no Hardees in town.

November 17, 2004

I’m sorry chick, I know this is horrible, but damn it it’s lunch time, I’m hungry, and that burger looks good. lol.

November 17, 2004


What the hell are they doing? We’re trying to have a healthier world, and they bring this kind of crap in? Thats terrible!!!

November 17, 2004

you know, i was going to say that looked pretty good…but the thought of eating it makes me green at the gills. bleh!

November 17, 2004

That makes me want to throw up a little.

what is the point of that? really?

November 17, 2004

free will and all that.

ryn: come on girl! you know Sam’s is the only choice for perfume! I might be a hooker, but Ima hooker on a budget.

November 19, 2004

People are going on and on about how offensive it is and blah, blah, blah! But YOU control what you eat and if you wanna eat a 100+ gram of fat burger than that’s on you. Everyone’s acting like it’s the restaurants fault for America’s obesity problem. People need to stop pointing fingers and start looking at themselves.

Hey Courtney… it’s me, E. 🙂 How have you been??? I was MIA for quite awhile, I had a computer situation (the POS I had dumped on me) 😉 and was off-line for 6 months or something. It’s so great to see you’re doing well! You inspire me so much… I’ve been at a stand-still myself, but I’ve managed to maintain so that’s an accomplishment I guess… Drop me a note sometime though, *c*

*c* and we’ll catch up. I’ve got some questions for you about this new WW bizness too… Core, Flex, what the F is going on?? 😉 Take care, & we’ll chat soon. 🙂

November 21, 2004

god it looks so disgusting….

I miss you C! Smooches…

November 24, 2004

what is up you have been VERY quiet.