
I am truly moved by the responses to my previous entry. 70 notes! I’m grateful that so many people support my journey. To the Lurkers: Thanks for stepping out of the shadows. I know that you encourage me in spirit. LOL

Your notes/emails continue to inspire and motivate me. It’s nice to know that others can relate to my personal struggle. I’ve used the “old fashioned” way to get in shape…experienced numerous ups and downs…and still chasing the Holy Grail after nearly 4 years. What is more real than that?

Thanks for watching the train wreck on a regular basis. :p

Biggest Loser Motivation…

Ok, no secret that I enjoy this show. I don’t agree with everything that’s happened, but it’s nice to have a reality TV show that tackles a major issue. NBC posts before/after shots on their main site, but they posted them incorrectly. Everyone knows comparison photos should be side-by-side!

Here are the contestants in order of elimination…













For those of you interested in applying for The Biggest Loser 2, click here. I’d love to be on the show, but something tells me my short fuse would get me eliminated…or perhaps it would be my “only 30 lbs to lose” that would send me packing. Poor Dana got kicked off in Week 1 because she “only” had 30 lbs to lose.

St. Thomas Motivation…

As you know, Tucker’s birthday trip is in June. We’ll be issuing our agent passes next month and I have my game face on. I am going to be in beautiful (and fit) company, so things have to be tight and right. I ordered a bathing suit today to serve as my visual aid. While it probably won’t be the suit I take on the trip, I plan to wear a similar tankini. The little cheap (less than $20) ray of sunshine will get me through the cold months ahead. I plan to hang in on my bedroom wall. LOL Or maybe it should be in the kitchen?


Well, that’s all for today. I just returned from a kickass spinning class…and now it’s time to pack. Moving day is 12/9!

Until next time…





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December 5, 2004

That’s so cute! Hang it on the fridge girl, hang it on the fridge. 🙂 I know you guys have got to be so stoked about moving, it’s so great to get a new place.

December 5, 2004

kelly was my favorite. i cried when she was eliminated. it’s just so nice to see a show with people i can relate to. like you, i don’t always agree, but i’m glad finally, someone is tackling the issue. do you ever get the emails i send to you at work?

December 5, 2004

I so love that show, it’s my Tuesday night tradition after my WW meeting. I was so sad that Kelly got eliminated…and I knew thought Aaron was a hottie even before he lost the weight!

December 5, 2004

Oh, and Mike and I are going to start the “Biggest Loser Drinking Game.” Every time Lisa cries, drink.Every time Ryan cries, drink.Every time Bob or Jillian give a motivational pep talk, drink.And, of course, every time they cut to commercial during weigh-in, chug a beer! I think I’d spend a whole day’s worth of points in one episode…

December 5, 2004

I haven’t been following the show at all… but those before-and-after pictures are really impressive!–

OMG! I love that suit! Where can I get one? By the way, in case I haven’t said so lately, reading your diary is GREAT motivation for me!

Hello, Hello…excuse me…there is a HATER posting in your diary. Your job SUCKS!! I LOVE St. Thomas!! That is where CAL is from and that is where we use to spend Christmas. Oh, well. You rock C! You are my own little bottle of inspiration!! ALL FOR ME!! Smooches…

December 6, 2004

Dave’s “after” picture looks like he’s trying too hard, he’s sucking his gut in too much. 🙂

December 6, 2004

Damn, where did you get that suit. I love it.

December 6, 2004

I havent’ been keeping up with The Biggest Loser but man, those pictures are amazing! And so is the cute lil’ motivational outfit that will be hanging from your fridge, heheee. Have a lovely week.

December 6, 2004

I watch it every week too. I cried when Kelly left but, she looks amazing! I may sign up, I have 62 lbs to goal. Love the bathing suit. Maybe I should order me one or lingerie. Wedding is 4 wks and 5 days away. My goal is to be 185 by then. Time to hit the gym and get physical. Kick things up a notch.

December 6, 2004

I totally wanna do it!!! Do you think you and I could pass as sisters???? We’d be a KICK ASS team!!!! Only problem is I can’t figure out when it is they are filming. My brother and future sister-in-law would KILL me if missed their wedding!!!!

Forget the kitchen, Hand it on the fridge… ..or in the fridge?? nepenthe (

December 6, 2004

Kelly’s after pic looks AWESOME!! I love that show too!

December 7, 2004

i think aaron looks great. although, everyone has done really well on the show. 🙂 cute tankini!!! 🙂

I’d love to do it, but: 1. Andy would freak out. 2. We’re trying the baby thing, so who knows if I COULD do it come time for it, and 3. I’m too lazy to make a tape. Oh, well.