
It’s almost 4am CST…and Courtie is wide awake….and I have that damn Big Bucking Chicken song playing in my head. Oy vey…

So…I’m off the entire week and headed to Vegas tomorrow for Chesty’s 29th birthday bash! I’m really looking forward to it. Chesty’s never won anything, so we’re hoping she’ll have some burf-day luck. I won $2300 in Shreveport a million years ago…so it’s about time I hit again. *praying* Ack…I guess it’s not right to pray for gambling purposes. LOL

In other news, Lass has patiently walked me through the transition. She’s been great…of course, our correspondence was via email…so she could have been cussing me out. Shame on you, Les. The basic shell is in place and I plan to work on it this week.

"Bitter is the new black…" is a great book! I was laughing out loud while reading it. Definitely a stress reliever. You must put it on your list…now!

Well, I’m going to go steal purchase mp3s for my iPod and get some beauty sleep…you never know who I’ll meet in Vegas. Chesty and I have been working on our vacation names. I’ll probably go with LaFawnduh (my own special tribute to ND) and Chesty will most likely pick a cool stripper name like Emerald or Destiny. Hell, "Chesty" works too. LOL

Hope everyone has a great week. I’ll check in when I get back…


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OMG that is so funny. Are you still going to do the bootcamp? Did I just not pay attention to that entry? I’m such a hater! Have fun in Vegas, I guess! Smooches…

March 27, 2006

Have a great time!

March 27, 2006

Have a blast girl (I’m sure you will!!!!) win lots of cash and share it with your favoritest OD friend, ME! LOL. TAke care.

March 27, 2006

Have a great time!!!Made a note of that book,I’ll check it out next time I’m at the store.:)

March 27, 2006

Have tons of fun and know that I am here completely jealous! I want to go to vegas too!!! 🙂 Take care!

March 27, 2006

have lots of fun and remember that what stays in vegas is SHARED with the rest of us. some of us need to live vicariously!!

March 27, 2006

OoOooo, Vegas. I love the name you picked! My stripper name is Cinnamon Adams. I’d totally go with that. ;p One of the best things about TiVo is being able to skip those damn jingles, and to be able to skip the professionally-photographed unhealthy food. Those things make me crave junk food like crazy. I love being able to FF through them.–

March 27, 2006


March 27, 2006


March 27, 2006

What happens in Vegas will stay on OD, right? wink! Have a blast and Happy Birthday to Chesty!

March 28, 2006

have fun! Linette

March 31, 2006

Ooh, I bet y’all had the best time ever! I am going to need you to post a million pictures, mmkay? But that’s only after you’re awake, I bet you’re totally exhausted after being back. I went to the gym again today! Yay! I decided I get to treat myself to a weekend with you when I’ve lost 50 pounds….so I’m trying to bust my ass!