I’m Still Hungry…

After a night of babysitting my 3 year old cousin and his dog, Pal (Chesty and I bought him a beautiful yellow lab puppy 2 weeks ago…and he refuses to sleep without her), I needed a bit of shopping therapy to recharge. *ahem*

Lane Bryant was my first stop. I had one of those evil Real Woman dollars burning a hole in my wallet, so I had to use it. LB’s shirts look like hippie trash, so I settled on some nice slacks for work and denim capris (both make my ass look phat…which is a nice change from fat).

Next stop was Barnes and Nobles to pre-order a copy of the next Harry Potter book. While browsing the store, I notice Carnie Wilson has a new book out: I’m Still Hungry…Finding Myself Through Thick and Thin. I admit that I rolled my eyes at first. I don’t dislike Carnie…I just have a problem with the way her surgery had an initial glamorous spin. Anyway, I didn’t bother reading her first book because the media forced her story on the country constantly. Also, I honestly had no interest in her life immediately following WLS. Weight loss doesn’t impress me…long-term maintenance is inspiring.

The new book deals with the physical/mental aspects of losing a significant amount of weight. I am a harsh critic, but I have to admit that the book (so far) is really good. I have been laughing, nodding my head in agreement, and highlighting sections that are just so on point.

*I realize that I may have lost the equivalency of one person, but I’ve gained a whole new one.

*I used to say things like, “I’m meant to be heavy,” so it was like a rubber band snapping in my face when my doctor told me my weight was killing me. I got my wake-up call and thought, What is this bullshit? No one and nothing is meant to be heavy except for whales and really good crystal.

*(On her controlling nature) I get nuts when I think that my family members or friends are heading toward any kind of pain. I swear my concern comes from deep in my heart, but I also realize that people need to go through both good and bad things-that’s life. After all, plenty of people told me throughout the years, “Don’t eat that double chocolate-chocolate chip cookie or you’ll gain weight,” and I just did what I wanted anyway.

*A pair of Victoria’s Secret underwear weighs approximately five ounces. For the purposes of historical accuracy and to satisfy the Federal Agency that Measures Undies (FAMU), I weighed my best black ones on my professional food scale. Let’s get real: Taking off those undies before you weigh yourself ain’t gonna do shit. It will just be a little cold and drafty when you stand on the scale (which, of course, you might enjoy). Let me also state for the record that despite the facts listed above, I never, ever, wear my white panties with the extra lace when I weigh myself because God only knows that all that lace is why I’m up a pound. I mean it’s really, really heavy lace…

Hope everyone has a great Monday…the TRI is only 6 days away…good lord!


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June 1, 2003

only 6 days away? holy crap! How’s your footsy doing Gotta love the “phat” asses, lol. I’m always weary of reading WL relatted books because of myown personal experiences of already knowing all the gore envolved in the denial of why I chose (in the past) to not lose weight and all the other baggage that comes along with being obese.

June 1, 2003

I neverread Carnie’s first book either. But, I think I’ll look at her new book. The panty thing sold me, lol.

June 2, 2003

the underwear story is hilarious. i’ll have to check that out. loves,

June 2, 2003

I’ve always liked her, glad to read snippets from her book. I understand there’s reasoning behind her type of weight loss, but I’d much rather have my three square meals a day on WW. Good luck on the race!!

June 2, 2003

That part about the heavy crystal is hilarious. I think she’s really hot, and I hate to admit it, but I didn’t think so before.

LMAO.. I don’t weigh myself with my undies on *g* New clothes… good for you! Gotta love shopping!

June 2, 2003

LMAO @ the FAMU story. however, as we both know, panties CAN make a difference, i have a 50lb “I did it” magnet to prove it :p

Ahhh – Real Women dollars. I swear I hated it, but for the discount and freebies ALONE, I miss being a manager in that store. The quotes are too funny…I may have to check out the book.

June 2, 2003

sounds like that book has some good passages in it…i’ll have to add it to my reading list. good luck at the triathlon, and i hope you are feeling healthy and sound for it.:)

June 2, 2003

Oh goodness, 6 days only… are you ready??? HELP!!! I’ve gained lbs. the last two weeks, and I’m still on WW

RYN: The baby was supposed to be the baby that Claire aborted – that’s why she said I’ll take care of him – you take care of Maya. They had BETTER tell us why she died in the next season. I thought the show was great.

I think I’ll check into the Carnie Wilson book.. I didn’t read her first one either, but from the excerpts here, she sounds like a pretty witty writer. When I feel like I’m having a conversation with someone when reading a book, it’s damn good. 🙂 Good luck in 6 days! Not that you need it. And don’t forget to snap a bunch of pics. 😀

June 2, 2003

The book sounds interesting, mayb i’ll check it out.

June 3, 2003

I don’t know if I can read Carnie’s book…I have issues with that WLS. And now, she’s showing her body off by posing in Playboy…not all sure I like that either! 🙁 I like most of those LB shirts. I wear bunches from there…like the hippie stuff.

I don’t care how much triathalon training you’re doing…I may have to fight you for him. That or we’ll have to set a joint custody agreement.

June 3, 2003

Guess who!

Girl, I emailed you and Cheryl about the board bizness. :

hahaha! I think her books sounds good, actually, although I’d have to smother the, “well, of course you lost weight, your stomach is now the size of a grape” voice in my head.

June 4, 2003

RYN: I know what you mean about the sheer…it’s just this season that I’ve started really buying anything from LB. I have gripes about their clothes. The shirts are too short, the necks are normally large enough for a two headed monster, most are sleeveless, and the other half are transparent! 😉