Hump Day

I am loving this week! Ok…work sucks as usual (how many days until St. Thomas?)…but everything else is great. I know a few people (Tontoy…LOL) want to know about the J situation. I’ll just say that things are very pleasant right now and I am looking forward to pursuing additional time allotment.  Does that sound clinical enough? Come on, folks…he knows about my diary.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=250 align=right border=1

Pre-Workout (5:30am)
Myoplex Lite protein shake-4pts

Breakfast (8:00am)
Fiber One Clusters w/ skim milk-4pts

Lunch (12:30pm)
Lean Cuisine French Bread pizza-6pts
Baby spinach salad-1pt

Afternoon snack (3:30pm)
String cheese-2pts

Dinner (6:30pm)
Ground turkey patty-4pts
Brown rice-2pts
Green peas-2pts

PM snack (8:00pm)
SF Jello-0pts

Total Daily Points: 30
Workout: 60 min. spin class (Godiva!)
Activity Points Earned: 4,273,167

**New Product FYI**

I found Sugar Free Jello Pudding cups last night at Wal-Mart. 60 calories…1.5 g of fat….1 point…hooray!


I can’t dish here. I suppose I could do a favorites only entry…but that would leave out non-OD folks. Oy..I’m tempted to start another (more private) diary for truly personal stuff and leave this as health/fitness/occasional soapbox. I feel really exposed here! 

 What else is going on…my high school chum Brandy is coming to visit this weekend! Chesty and I are going to take her to a amateur football game (to scope men and pretend to be interested in the score) and then we’re going dancing. I’m so excited about her visit. I wish all of my old school chums could get together for a weekend. Perhaps I’ll plan a pre-reunion bash? Of course, I have no idea how to contact most people. Let’s start here: If you read this diary and went to my high school, leave me a note! LOL

Travel stuff…We issue our Puerto Vallarta tickets this week. We’ll be spending 5 nights in lovely PVR for Red’s 30th birthday in August. You know what that means? Mo’ motivation! Not only do I have to bust ass to prepare for the Danskin tri *and* St. Thomas…I have to keep going until September. No fat leisure time for moi…must get it tight and right.


How cute is my little diva Cassie? I can’t wait to see her again (Mommy and Daddy too, of course…*ahem*)

Well, that’s it for now…Hope everyone has a great day!



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March 16, 2005

I have to get some of those jello pudding cups, one of my friends told me about them and said they were yummylicious. Cassie is adorable!!

Cassie is just too too cute!! You, too!!

March 16, 2005

Sister Cassie is working the hat!!

Okay, Okay, I guess that will have to be enough, but you know spring is coming and that is the best time to fall in love!!! And I have to give it to ole boy he seems like he is in it to win it!!!!We need you to make up code words and mail them out secretly so we can know what is going on! You keep on working hard like you are doing and you will be in a bikini by September girl!! Tontoy

awwwwww! She’s such a little love!!!!

March 16, 2005

Who is that baby? Oh, yeah… that’s my girl 🙂 She told me yesterday she misses you. Of course you know you’re invited anytime — her baptism is coming up, if you’re interested in coming, as I was planning on sending the invite. Thinking about spinning tonight myself, not sure if my cycling shorts still fit! LOL

March 16, 2005

I know what you mean about feeling exposed. It starts off all anonymous and then you start to develop relationships and people from your “real” life start to read….I am amazed at how much people do read and comment! I have to admit being more constrained now than at first, now that I have gotten to “know” people. Linette

March 16, 2005

aaawwwwwwwwwwwwww how sweet is she!!!! She looks like she should be a Gerber baby!!!!

Goodness, I am a HATER!! Miss you chick! Smooches…