How The West Was One…

Hey Folks!

Well, it’s the morning after…what a GREAT concert. Special thanks to the Wyndham Anatole rep that hooked us up with tickets. We were so close to the stage, I could see The Game’s popeye scowl. LOL

The concert didn’t start until 9:30, so we had plenty of time to people watch and catch a contact.  


We walk around the Smirnoff Centre and check out the crowd. Easily the most eclectic group of folks ever. Black, white, brown, and yellow. B-boys, gangstas, skaters, and goth. Isn’t it amazing how music can bring everyone together?

Ok…on to the catty comments.

The outfits: Lord have mercy…what is wrong with women under 30?!? There is no need to have your ass or cooch hanging out of your clothes! Also, please don’t wear midriff tops and lowrise jeans if you haven’t done your crunches! Yes, I’m a big girl…but I dress accordingly. There are some days when *I* don’t want to see my OWN goods…so I’m certainly not going to blind the general public. Ugh…

The Men: There were plenty of fine specimen…but there are always a few bad apples. Bruh, its May and we’re in TEXAS…why are you rocking a suede button-down shirt and matching skull cap?!? STOP IT! Also, I like the baggy jeans look…but I really don’t need to see what brand your draws are…please pull them up a bit. Lastly, if you brought your woman to the concert, please be secure in your relationship. Don’t step to another guy and accuse him of checking out your woman…because let’s keep it real…she is a trainwreck. Cocaine is a helluva drug. LOL I said a prayer for many people last night…

The Drinks: $11 for a margarita? PLEASE…

The Opening Acts

The event was hosted by Dallas radio station 97.9 The Beat. The 6-10pm crew opened the event with an emcee battle between 4 local talents. Pretty cool…much better than Gucci Mane that tortured us next. Good grief…he has one song…and it sucks. His set was limited to 2 songs, thank goodness.

Next up was Oooh-Wee…better than Gucci Mane…but my patience is really thin with opening acts, so no love.

The Game

Good grief…I love this man. He comes out wearing a Dallas Mavericks jersey and a white bandana over his face. :::swoon::: My friends and I were screaming like true groupies. His set was incredible. After playing Dreams, he mentioned that his best friend, rapper Billboard, was killed last year. While running through the first verse of the tribute song, Game broke down completely and couldn’t finish. I have never seen anything so raw from a performer. *intense* He also paid homage to Tupac and Biggie. “Put your lighters and cell phones in the air to show respect. These brothas died for hiphop…they died to allow me to perform tonight.” If I wasn’t so buzzed from the wind changing directions (y’all know I don’t smoke), it would have been too much to handle. The Game is a serious man. Snoop is mainly party king now…so they balance each other out nicely.

Snoop Dogg

LOL What can I say about Snoop? The man is a legend and it’s almost scary how mainstream he is now. When white folks in their 50s know your songs word for word, you’ve truly crossed over. His set included a nice mix of current hits and old school bangers. He opened with Murder was the case…and it just got better from there. His Tupac tribute included California Love, Gangsta Party and Hail Mary. We danced our asses off ALL NIGHT and Coco is feeling it today. Oh well…good music *and* cardio…

So…a great time was had by all. It was nice to see so many races come together and party…without the threat of drama/violence. Dallas has some noise ordinance that prohibits concerts to run past 12:00-12:30. Snoop acknowledged the rule and said he was going to risk the fine to keep the party going. What time did he step off stage? 1:45am.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

-C is for Compton!




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May 14, 2005

Sounds like a GREAT concert. I love Snoop as well…sigh. I am not QUITE a fifty year old white person. I will only be forty on my next birthday…. Linette

May 14, 2005

Sounds like you had a ball! Take care and enjoy your weekend.

May 14, 2005

$11 for a margarita!? For that price, you’d better bring me a salted bucket and a taxi for the ride home!

May 14, 2005

It sounds like you had a blast! I hear ya on the guys/gals things…… Keep on a rockin!

May 14, 2005

FUN! 🙂

May 14, 2005

$11?!?! what the hell, were they laced with 24K gold or something?

May 14, 2005

hey, guess what! i’m comin’ down in October!! be ready chica…I got 4 or 5 days of DFW in my blood. 😀

May 14, 2005

Dammit. I’m trying to win a trip to Vegas to see them, but it’s probably not happening. Dang, now I’m even more in love with Game hearing that he’s kind of a sensitive thug type. That’s sad though.

May 14, 2005

Wow, that sounds fantastic! I was just at a bar tonight where the single ladies came out in full dress (or lack thereof)… yipes. But Casey was drooling over some of them, so I guess it must serve its purpose.–

Daaayyyummmm…. snoop.. say so more.. His new CD is in the playa now while I’m typing this! Jaime

May 15, 2005

im so jealous you got to see the game. you shouldve let me know, i wouldve came out there for it cause i dont think they’re doin it here. its cool though, ill just settle for luda for the 100th time.

speaking of the game haha, you have that cd right.. that one song shit whats it called.. start from scratch or whatever, is seriously so good, his voice is different in it and shits just real as hell, i love it

“C is for Compton!” I love the gangsta Diva. thanks for the notes. ::hugs::

May 15, 2005

RYN-LAF: i’m still making plans to come down that weekend. LAF is the weekend after i’m going to Dallas — Wicked is playing.

May 15, 2005

God, I would have LOVED to see Snoop in concert. I’m glad you had a good time!

May 15, 2005

“C is for Compton”? You are cracking me up!

May 15, 2005

RYN: LOL! Please… I would have much rather been shaking my juicy booty at the concert with Snoop Dogg! Trust me.. it was almost the same kind of thing in that church.. all that was missing was the contact high.. and I could have ran right across the street and got that! LOL!!!

May 16, 2005

oh man, sounds like an awsome concert!