Hey there…

Day 30 of clean eating! Chesty and I are going strong in the "50 Days of Clean Eating Challenge". I’ll be making a trip to Sephora this weekend for my reward:

Yes, I still reward myself for being "good"…and yes, I still love bath/body products that smell like food/beverages. Yesterday was a very tempting food day. On a scale of 1-10, I’d give it 847. A coworker left her McDonald’s bag near my desk today for a brief moment. I actually thought about snatching the bag and hiding in an empty conference room to eat it. LOL So sad, huh? I’ll forever be a food addict in recovery.

My other "30 days without being a heifer" gift…cycling socks that not only speak to me…but to the asshole trying to show off his $2500 bike:

Chesty and I will be hitting the road at butt crack o’clock  tomorrow morning.

Destination: Georgetown, TX.
Mission: Complete Red Poppy Ride (30 mile course) without numbing the coochie.

I’m actually excited. It’s our second ride of the season and the weather should be decent. 2005 was a slow year for fitness events, so I decided to kick it up a notch:

2006 Fitness Events
Plano Pedals & Paws-Plano, TX (April 8)
Red Poppy Ride-Georgetown, TX (April 29)
Phat Camp-Chicago, IL (May 19-21)
Mesquite Rodeo Ride-Mesquite, TX (June 3)
Danskin Women’s Triathlon-Austin, TX (June 11)
Melon Patch Tour-DeLeon, TX (August 12)
AIDS Walk-Dallas, TX (October 1)
Komen Race for the Cure-Dallas, TX (October 21)

I may add Komen Austin and the Jingle Bell Run to the list. The Tri Divas really need to decide on an event to do together. I miss our little group. *sniff*

Well, that’s enough for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend! *hugs* to M and the babies.

-C is for Cyclin’ Without Coochie Chaos

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April 28, 2006

You’re so amazing!! Have fun tomorrow.

April 28, 2006


i raise my diet-coke to the no coochie chaos! my cooter has been just out of control lately.

April 28, 2006

georgetown is so nice. my aunt lives there..good luck!

April 28, 2006

good luck tomorrow Diva girl! Love the socks, love Sephora!

Have fun, but if you see a kid out of control on his bike stick your foot out and kick him!!!! Tontoy

April 28, 2006

30 days — you rock! šŸ™‚ Good luck!–

April 28, 2006

How ifunny that your scale of food temptation yesterday was my AREA CODE!!! *LOL* šŸ™‚

April 28, 2006

I can not WAIT to be as active as you are Court….I’m trying! I love that you always reward yourself…I’ve adopted that and it really helps! Thanks for your text yesterday….it really helped!

April 28, 2006

Congrats on your 30, C! šŸ™‚ I heart the socks, too.

April 28, 2006

Good luck and have fun!

April 28, 2006

coochie chaos? lol…not sure I wanna know. Woo HOOO on the clean eating!!!! Today was staff room madness-homemade cinnamon rolls, cake, cookies, more cake, sweet rolls, more cookies. Followed by a murder mystery event I hosted at the library–lasagne, ravioli, bread, cheesecake, popcorn….etc etc etc…sigh. Linette

April 29, 2006

RYN: it was all for you! my toes will even look cute for you. lol

May 6, 2006