Happy New Year!

Hey Folks!

Last night was great! We ended up at Spankee’s and the music was off the chain, as usual. Quite a few good looking brothas in the place…but none has fine as The Bouncer (potential baby daddy). *sigh* I usually don’t have a problem talking to men…but he turns me into a giggly, silly heifer…and I can’t stand it. Call it Type A…Call it Virgo-ness…but I need to have a bit more control over the situation. He spoke twice during the night…and I had to resist the urge to attach myself to his leg. LOL

Anyway, it was great to ring in the new year with my buddies. We all got teary-eyed and sentimental…but that’s what NYE is all about, right? 2005 is going to be wonderful. 🙂

So…I got the initial invite to my high school reunion. No major details yet, but I’m hoping the event will be in late spring/early summer. I need adequate time to lose my layer of winter blubber. ick…

The Mardi Gras fam trip is later this month and I want to be back into my “skinny” jeans by then…no exceptions! They look faboo…and don’t leave much room for beignets and hurricanes.

So…Chesty and I are thinking about hosting an Oscar party next month. Has anyone done this? If so, please share your suggestions. I’m going to create ballots and we’ll have a prize for the person that chooses the most winners. Most people stay up to watch the long ass telecast…why not have a few friends over?

Well, that’s it for now. On my way to Pier 1. Hope you all had a wonderful NYE.


P.S. TRI training started today! I think I already sprained my ass…the entire thing. Nice…




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January 1, 2005

how does one sprain their ass???

January 1, 2005

Thanks for reminding me that we have the Academy Awards to look forward to in February. Wouldn’t you think you wuold have to have charades or pictionary or something like that with an Oscar theme for the endless commercials?

January 1, 2005

Thanks to the Food Network, I actually knew what a beignet is. 🙂 Sprained booty already, not a good start. 😉 Glad your NYE was good.

January 1, 2005

ok…how do you sprain your ass? lmao

January 1, 2005

That’s a great idea, having a prize for predicting the most winners. You could serve a big spread of WW-friendly hors d’oeuvres or something. The winter blubber is goin’ bye-bye. (for me too.)–

I’ve been snowboarding for the past 7 years…know all about sprained asses! YEEEEOWWW!

January 2, 2005