Happy Friday…

I’m finally starting to feel like ME again. They say the Lord only gives us what we can handle…and let me tell you, I’m a strong sistah! The past 2 weeks have been an emotional storm, but things are looking up.

I take my truck to the body shop on Tuesday, so that’s one less worry on my mind. I took the entire day off from work. I plan to take care of business early in the morning…and then head to NorthPark for a day of retail therapy. Mental health days never hurt anyone (the lack thereof can bring drama like you wouldn’t believe…LOL).

I’ve been reading Passing for Thin: Losing Half My Weight and Finding Myself by Francis Kuffel. Sounds froufrou and self help-ish, but it’s not. I’ve been laughing out loud while reading…

The author at her first weight loss support meeting…

Heather spoke again with a story of cramming a package of Chips Ahoy into her mouth in the space of time it took to pee at her boyfriend’s house, of brushing off the crumbs and sucking her teeth clean as she returned to his bed. Everyone roared.


Early childhood food obsession…

I pondered the gustatory exotica of my books. How could I make maple syrup harden as Laura and Mary had in the Big Woods? What were the “sweetmeats” that popped up in “Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp”? I read “Hansel and Gretel” with the shame of a double agent. I would have eaten the bread rather than mark my path through the woods with it, and I’d have sold my soul to have my way with the gingerbread house.

So, too, I doubted I would offer to carry the Christmas muffins to the Hummels as that brat, Amy, did in her one-upmanship over my heroine, Jo, in Little Women. I lusted for and tried to approximate it all: Heidi’s toasted cheese and bread (where could I find goat’s milk?); the smell of hot buttered toast that “simply talked to Toad” in The Wind in the Willows; the chocolate cake bobbing against the ceiling in Mary Poppins; Eliza Doolittle’s chocolates in a room somewhere; apple strudel, schnitzel, and noodles from The Sound of Music.

Julie Andrews may be personally responsible for a good ten pounds of the weight I magically amassed.

It gives new meaning to devouring books.


So…still haven’t decided on a new name for Chesty. I guess she can be “that white chick” for now, eh? 🙂 Anyway, we are heading to Houston this evening. I’m feeling a tad bit guilty leaving certain aspects behind to take a quick trip, but I *need* to get away…even for a weekend. I haven’t seen my H-town friends in awhile and I think it will lift my spirits.

Hope everyone has a great weekend…


P.S. Special thanks to Lass for simplifying wwdiva.com and removing chaos. 🙂

Edit to add response to Méta from Montréal: I was actually pulling for Gary. I think his overall transformation was amazing. However, it’s a numbers game…and Ryan won fair and square. He looks great too…but Gary is looking pretty foxy for an older guy. 🙂 I’m really looking forward to next week’s weigh-in. I hope Dre walks away with $100K.




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Have a safe trip! It was good to see you post and know you’re doing better.

January 14, 2005

That’s right.. He never gives us more than we can handle. (Even though sometimes I think He believes me to be stronger than I am….!) Take your trip… take a deep breath.. wallow in the pit of retail therapy and have a good time. No guilt. Have to take care of you or everything else suffers. (I find $100 at the MAC counter works wonders for me!)

January 14, 2005

Enjoy that trip! You deserve it.

Is it bad that I knew every food referance before you got to the title????? Have fun in H-Town hookah! You deserve the day.

I hope you have a good weekend courtney! (Jackie)

January 14, 2005

Can’t wait to see you! 🙂

I read Francis Kuffel’s book, too, when it came out. Small world, she is my coworker’s cousin and raised near where I live here in Montana. Where it is COLD COLD COLD. They say that the north pole moved an inch during the earthquake/tsunami. I can vouch that it landed in MONTANA. Have a fun trip, and glad you are feeling like yourself. Linette

Dang. Did not mean to leave an UNSIGNED NOTE! Hm. Where is the button for signed note? Linette (lmivanov)

January 14, 2005

How’s about “Perky” for Chesty? Still within the theme, just less blatant *LOL* 🙂 And can be taken at face value as well *LOL* Hmmmmmmmm…. I’ll have to get a copy of that book on my amazon wish list for my b-day!!! Not like I don’t have 15 other books that I haven’t cracked open yet *LOL*

Hey! Thanks for the note you left me! Good to hear that you are doing well. Have fun in H-Town. I was in San Antonio 3 months ago, and I just gotta say Texas is an awesome place. I really wanna move to Texas.

So how do you feel about the winner of The Biggest Loser, Courtney? For me, he wasn’t my favorite of the last three, but no doubt, he is a fair winner and the numbers are there to show it. Méta from Montréal.

January 14, 2005
January 14, 2005

Oh, great, now I’m hungry! ;p–

January 14, 2005

Julie Andrews is bad for the waistline. She wrote a book called “The Last of the Really Great Wangdoodles” and there is a candy/ice cream machine in it. Lets just say that a year after I read it to a class they were still talking about it.

The Lord never gives us more than we can handle. He’s always carrying more of the load when we realize. I’ve been thinking of names for Chesty. I’m drawing a blank. I just keep thinking of Brain, like Pinky in the Brain. I’m going to keep giving this more thought. Have fun with the retail therapy. Stop by MAC. Tell me how the new long-wear lipstick/gloss looks on. ***hint, hint*** Have fun!

yes I was hoping for gary.

this is Mz odd timed out

How about calling Chesty by her real name? Or initials. -Halfseraph

I wanted Gary to win, too!

January 18, 2005

Hope your trip to H-town went well, and the stuff stressing you out is getting betters. Yes, you are indeed a strong sistah, so hang in there.

Hello! I found your website link on Getting2Goal. I first visited on Saturday and saw the book “Passing for This” and ran right out to buy it. I am almost finished with it, and I just wanted to say thanks for mentioning it! I just started WW almost 2 weeks ago and last Thursday I had lost 5.6 lbs. I’m anxious for this Thursday to roll around. You and Francis Kuffel are true inspirations! TY

January 21, 2005

I hope everything is going ok…miss your updates!

January 22, 2005

I’m with the poster above–I MISS your updates! I know how busy life can get, and OD should not be a chore. But, selfishly, I miss your posts! Linette

I just saw your response Courtney. Agreed entirely. Now that we know that Dave won the second prize, I’m thinking that next year’s show should make a provision for women since the current formula favours men. (It’s easier for them to convert fat to muscles.) All three top losers are men even though Dre and Kelly M. busted their asses and had spectacular transformations. Go girls, go! Méta.