Happy Days…

Good Morning Kiddies!

This entry will be syrupy sweet. For the first time (ever), I have absolutely nothing to bitch about. I even removed a few names off my "people to stab" list. Can you believe it?

Work is still busy…but no complaints…

Spending 6 days on the beach can make work tolerable. Last week a client asked if I took a nice vacation this year. I told him I was in St Thomas a couple of months ago…and headed to PVR at the end of August. "His response: I shouldn’t have even asked! Travel agents actually take fun trips…" I just laughed and recapped his exciting business trip to Billings, MT. hahaha

The Pink Party was an overwhelming success! Mommy & Camryn Elizabeth cleaned up! There was a constant stream of gifts to open. Several members of my team purchased the best present…

Eddie Bauer "B" is for Bear Wooden Rocking Bassinet

Red and I were bombarded with compliments on the decorations and food. A few people even advised us to go into business together. I may add that to my list…after nutritionist/personal trainer/brickhouse diva.

Random Cool Fact: September 18 is my birthday *and* my last truck payment. What a great present…

Tucker’s cousin turns 21in a couple of weeks and she wants us to take her to Spankee’s. Good Lawd…that’s going to be a crazy night! If you’d like to join in the fun, shoot me an email. Once your application is approved, you’ll be required to pay $500 potential bond money security deposit.

The "J" situation is getting a little interesting. I’m seriously considering starting a private diary on this site. Yes, I know I’ve considered it before…but things are getting personal now…and I can’t share with the whole damn world. I’ll let certain people know if I decide to go that route.

Fitness stuff…all is right in the world (at the moment). Therapy is going well…and I’ve learned quite a bit from my sessions and Anatomy of a Food Addiction by Anne Katherine. Thanks for the recommendation, CC! I feel strong and in control. I plan to return to WW meetings in the fall. The corporate office was kind enough to freeze my membership so I could take a much needed hiatus. The program is great…but I needed some individual attention and the opportunity to truly focus on what caused my weight problems from the beginning: food addiction. I’ll be a WW member for life…but some of us need more help than the meetings can provide.

Hope everyone has a great day!


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I’ve often felt like I SHOULD be able to tackle my food issues on my own or with the help of WW, but deep down I know WW isn’t equipped to deal with the root cause of my mess! It works to a point, but then I hit a wall. That basinet is gorgeous! Lucky little Camryn!

August 24, 2005

cute bassinet, glad to hear the baby shower was a success.

Sounds good C… Good for you… Question—how did yu find a therapist for your particular problem….. HAVE FUN IN pv!!! YOU lucky bitch..lol (Jackie)

August 24, 2005

St. Thomas vs. Billings, MT. hmmmmm 🙂 Good interesting with J? I hope so.

Please Please Please I want to know about J. I am excited!!!!! Great job on the food and weight control, thanks for the advice I am doing better and I lost three pounds last week! Tontoy 242.2/225/160

August 24, 2005

I need to get that book. Good luck with everything.

August 24, 2005

that bassinet is adorable :o) Glad things are going well and you have less people to stab now, lol :o)

August 24, 2005

Momola and I are on a WW hiatus too… probably permanent. We got sick of dumping $10 down the drain each week for meetings we’ve already heard ten times over. Corporate office isn’t freezing ours though, so if we ever go back, we have to start all over 🙁

August 24, 2005

RYN: Yeah. Only in Illinois! The thing is kept in a refrigerated case built into the dairy building. It’s just nuts. And the woman makes one EVERY year and people flock to see it, like it’s some kind of icon. I think the butter would be much better utilized for the corn *LOL* 🙂 400 pounds of butter. That’s just not right!!!

yay!! You have a great plan. I know you will be okay. So now on to Mr. J? Sister…spill it gurl, spill it! Smooches…

August 24, 2005


August 24, 2005

My screen is steaming! I need some background info on J! congrats on the last truck payment.. girl, Praise God on the no car payment status! That’s enough to get me excited right there!

August 24, 2005

RYN: Yes, we do need another visit 🙂 That would certainly cheer me up quite a bit! 🙂

August 24, 2005

I think I have food addiction as well…carbohydrate addiction especially. Like an addict I can go cold turkey and cut it out but I can’t manage a moderate intake.

August 24, 2005

Glad to hear that things are going well. Take care.

August 24, 2005

ooh, let me know if you decide to go private…i love reading your diary! 🙂

August 25, 2005

I agree with the WW stuff, sometimes WW just is not enough, it’s just a tool, that’s how I’ve had to look at it. J stuff sounds so mysterious, I wanna know the scoop! Not fair ya tease, lol. Have a wonderful trip, I know you will!

Hey Diva…It’s coming down to that already. Dang people can’t just accept and congratulate.. Oh well, If you do a personal diary shoot me an email. BTW… I am so proud of you. Your progress and positive is one of the main reasons I came back to SOWW. I realized that I am the one who controls with goes on in my life and if I want to see change. I have to make the changes. All the best ~Tammy