Gym Rants and Other Precious Moments…

Good Morning Kiddies!

The weekend was very good. Saturday’s bike event was nice…warm, but not too hot. What’s next on Diva’s calendar? Tour de Pink (9/11/05) and Wild West Century (9/24/05). Both rides will be great tune-ups for Ride for the Roses in October. They’ll also provide a last minute body blast before my reunion.

Chesty and I also went to a novice fitness/figure show over the weekend. I follow the happenings in the pro competition world, but I’ve never seen the sport in person. It’s safe to say that Chesty will set her sights on a few amateur events in the future. Training will start next month after PVR and she hopes to compete in the spring. She’ll be working with coach/trainer and a gymnastics instructor. Pretty cool, eh? I’ll definitely keep you all posted. She’s not into the blog thing, but I’ll get her to post something.

Boot camp is still moving along nicely. I’m beginning to notice more muscle definition and my thighs are looking more like a cyclist, less like Jello Jigglers. My tests for the month?

8/16: Meeting at the host hotel to plan the holiday party menu. The rep is very generous and always pushes us towards the lobby Starbucks bar, individual "late-night snacker" freezer full of Häagen Daz and the build-your-own pasta bar in the cafe. In past meetings, I chose salad bar greens/veggies and had the pasta chef grill chicken and fresh mushrooms for toppers. If it ain’t broke…

8/20: A friend is having a dinner gathering/baby shower. Hubby is making ribs and the usual accompanying dishes. The event starts at 4…dinner at 6. I plan to take chicken breast for the grill and a WW-friendly dessert. I know I’ll get shit from the group, but I honestly don’t care. 🙂

8/28-9/02: Puerto Vallarta vacation. 6 days of potential pig-outs? No…6 days of moderately clean eating/drinking and swimming for exercise. The whole "I’m on vacation, so I’m going to stuff myself" routine doesn’t work for me anymore. Not only do I end up feeling miserable on the trip, but it takes me about a week to get back on track and kick the crack-ish cravings. This is Red’s 30th birthday bash…I’m going to help her celebrate…but it doesn’t have to involve a sugar/cheese coma. Ahh…the life of a recovering food addict. Drinks…rum & diet coke and white wine have been working well for me…so I’m going to distance myself from the sugary drinks. When I went to Cozumel last year, I had 8 margaritas the first day. WTF? LOL I called my mom drunk…she was not happy with me. "You know I worry about you being in a foreign country!" Needless to say, I was a bloated heifer the rest of the trip. I was retaining water *and* enchiladas…not a good combination.

Gym Rants…

First, let me say…I love my gym. People crack on 24 Hour Fitness because it’s so "mainstream" and not "hardcore". Whatever. I like the place because it has NORMAL people. I’m not looking to go to one of the "nightclubs with treadmills" (you know who you are). With that said, let the bitching begin…

-Weird Elliptical Guy-He arrives at the gym, does the ellip for 10 minutes and he’s done. Now…I’ve seen this guy work out for over a year and he’s capable of much more…but he’s been slacking lately…in order to flirt and read magazines. He’ll come to my spinning class late…get on a bike (without adjusting it) and ride for 10-15 minutes. Same dude has popped up in my aquando class. Chesty says he’s my stalker…nice.

-Farting Spin Guy-He seemed nice enough before class yesterday…but once things got intense, he apparently got IBS. Lawd have mercy…I almost gagged. Poor Chesty was on the bike next to him and she looked pale (even moreso than usual…haha)

-Stripper Chick-While we’re leaving the gym, a woman walks in wearing a skimpy top and shorts. Her boobs were fighting for freedom during the walk to the counter. What the hell did she plan to do? Wardrobe Malfunctions are soooo 2004.

-Freaky Protein Shake Man-There’s a guy that lives in the weight room. He slurps down these massive protein shakes (700+ calories) and then proceeds to do 20 minutes of actual lifting. The rest of the time he’s strutting around in his MC Hammer pants and fanny pack. Oy vey!

I hope you all have a great Monday…


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You make me laugh C…lolol Nightclub with treadmills…I hear that…lol (Jackie)

August 8, 2005

LOL at Farting Spin Guy! I’m with you on the moderation during vacation thing. I have to work the program like I’m a recovering addict. In the year and a half that I’ve been on program, I haven’t “fallen off the wagon” once. I’m too afraid that I won’t be able to get back on.

LOL! I think every gym has its own cast of characters.

August 8, 2005

i HATE stripper chick. i think she goes to every gym. how do you plan to work out when your boobs are about to pop right out of your too-small sports bra??

That’s exactly why I set up a gym room at home and bought my own exercise equipment!

Girl you are CRAZY!!!! I was on the phone with an engineer and almost laughed out loud at these crazy gym people!!! Tontoy 242.2/224/180

August 8, 2005

Oh how I wish we had a 24 hr gym around here. We are members at Gold’s which is fine because it isn’t as packed (or expensive) as the Y but they have crap classes at shitty times and no Pool…

August 8, 2005

omg, i think i remember freaky protein shake guy

MC Hammer Pants and fanny pack?!!!! Girl, that is such a fashion violation! LOL You crack me up! Lynn

August 8, 2005

and this…. ladies and gents is why I’m terrified of the gym! you are so crazy!

August 8, 2005

Stripper Chick…pretty funny.

August 8, 2005

The stripper and the milkshake guy have to meet.

August 8, 2005

I hope the MC Hammer pants has weird patterns, like…animal prints in orange and blue, cause that’d be even funnier.

Last Thursday we had “Really Skinny Fart Chick”. I have to say I was pretty appalled that the foul smell came out of her! -TKP

LMAO! YOU CRACK ME UP!!! I go to 24 hour fitness too and trust me girl, we have some winners! I like the ones that sound like they’re going to gasm everytime they lift something. Then when you check their wieght they’re only lifting like 20 pounds. We have a total psycho guy that scares me. Seriously, if anyone was going to go Menendez on the gym it’s this dude. I love the gym.

August 9, 2005

Congratulations!!! you’ve back on Onederland. Wohoo. I’m so happy for you!

August 9, 2005

You are cracking up my fat arse 🙂 Thanks for the laughs!!!!!

oh lord, i hope i’m not one of THOSE people. =)

August 10, 2005

RYN: The kids are gonna be adults before they get to Movie #7…. if they even make 6 & 7! Unless it’s already been filmed and it’ll just take 2 years for the effects work (which wouldn’t surprise me). 6 is getting interesting. I’m not looking forward to anyone dying though 🙁

August 10, 2005

“Her boobs were fighting for freedom”. OMG you crack me up! I’m totally stealing that phrase. 🙂

August 15, 2005