Good Vibes Needed…**UPDATE**

For my #1 Fur Kid. Bentley has been straining to urinate for the last couple of days. Yesterday there was blood in his urine, so Chesty and I took him to a  vet hospital. The doctor thinks he has severe kidney stones/blockage and will possibly need surgery. They gave him pain meds and a catheter and kept him overnight.  I’ll find out in a couple of hours if he’ll have to go under the knife, so I’m off from work. I know that may seem silly, but Bentley is truly my baby. I got him at 7 weeks and he’s now 9.5 years old. Please say a prayer for my little guy. He has epilepsy and the idea of him being put under anesthesia terrifies me. I cried myself out yesterday, so I’m left with puffy eyes, headache and an upset stomach.

On a side note (not that $ is an issue when a loved one is in trouble), I can’t stress enough the importance of pet insurance. I’ve been "meaning to get it" for years and blew it off. If B ends up having surgery, the entire process (48 hour hospital stay, surgery, x-rays) will cost $1600. It’s a crazy figure, but my only alternative was to have him put down. He still has several good years left in him, so I couldn’t do that and live with myself.

I’ll post an update when I can…


Hey Gang-

Bentley had surgery yesterday afternoon and he did very well. Chesty and I went to visit him last night and it broke my heart. He was still heavily sedated, so I doubt he recognized us. He just looked extremely lonely in the cage and it took all I had not to break down in front of him. I know that animals can sense everything, so I tried to remain upbeat and positive. The incision was pretty major, so he’ll probably have a significant recovery time. The doctor plans to release him later today. The real challenge will be keeping the  two dogs separated.  Braxton has been  a very confused puppy in the last 48 hours. "The Big Gray Dog" has always been in his life and I’m sure he’s wondering what happened.  🙂 Here’s a pic of my baby…seeing the blood from the IV threw me for a loop, but I know he’s not in pain right now. Does that mean I’m sleeping at night? Absolutely not. Thanks for all of the kind notes…I really appreciate the support.


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I am so sorry to hear about your fur kid’s medical issues. I TOTALLY know how important they are. Many people see pets as “pets”, but they are so much more. I will keep Bentley in my prayers. Stay strong girlfriend! It is going to be ok.

October 17, 2005

Dog illness is sometimes more complicated than Kid illness. Because it’s a “pet” or an animal, there’s always that option thrown in, “maybe you could put it down.” No one would say that about a kid! I think some vets are insensitive to the amount of attachment people have to their animals. Hope all goes well. *furry hug*

October 17, 2005

Sorry about Bentley’s illness. I do hope that everything turns out ok. Stay strong.

Chance is, pet insurance will not pay for this surgery. Mine certainly didn’t. Sending healing vibes to the little guy! Totally, totally understand about staying home from work for our “furkids”.

October 17, 2005

Girl, I will be praying for your baby…. (((hugs)))

Hope he is going to be okay. Seems like lots of OD pets are having kidney issues lately. :o(

October 17, 2005

i’m so sorry about bentley. i’m praying for your kid 🙂

October 17, 2005

I understand how stressful it is when a pet is suffering. I hope he’s better soon. My friend’s dog had surgery and she’s had years of quality life since. You are doing the right thing.

Oh C!! I cannot even imagine. Sister, a sick doggy cost as much as a sick child. I’ll stay pet AND child free for awhile! Smooches…

October 17, 2005

I’m so sorry Court….let me know if you need anything, if if you need to talk. The good news is we do these kinds of surgeries ALL THE TIME, so they’re a pretty safe procedure.

October 17, 2005

It is NOT silly. He is indeed a member of your family. I will be thinking very good thoughts for Bentley. I am faced with mortality soon, too–I have a thirty year old horse, a 14 year old dog (also with epilepsy), and a fifteen year old cat with bone cancer in her jaw…the love we have for our animals is as intense as that for people. And usually the animals deserve it more. linette

October 17, 2005

lots of best wishes and good vibes headed your way!

GOOD LUCK!!!! I can totally relate to the “my baby” feelings. That’s how I feel about Shelby. I can help you out with $$$ if you need it.

I totally understand, I lost pets and cried more for them than for some people! ….junebug

October 17, 2005

*hugs* I pray all goes well.

Hi. I lost my best four-footed friend to an illness after spending more than $2,000 to confirm that what he had really was cancer, and there was no other option. I’ve never regretted a penny of it. I hope your “Fur Kid” improves soon. – Frequent WW Visitor

October 18, 2005

oh hun I am sorry. Our kitty had bladder blockage and she had the 600.00 operation. I hope he is fine. Probably will need the low mangannesum diet. GOOD luck

October 18, 2005

I’m so sorry that you had to go through this, I will keep you and Bentley in my prayers that everything comes out okay. I know how scary this is.

October 18, 2005

Oh my gosh, what an adorable little cutie. I’m glad his surgery went well. Here’s to years more of snuggling Bentley!–

Oh C, he looks soo sad. I would have started crying. You are a strong Mama. Smooches…

October 18, 2005

Ahhh…..I’ll be thinking of you guys and hoping for a speedy recovery.

October 18, 2005

Sorry to hear about furry baby’s battle. Prayers are with you and yours. 🙁 *hugs* He’ll be back to ankle bitin’ and yappin’ in no time 🙂

October 18, 2005

I’m just now reading this and it broke my heart. Great big hugs to you and your furry babies…the little one needs them just as much as Bentley. 🙁 Please keep us posted. I’m glad he came through the surgery good, but it’s still scary.

That dog has the best face ever!!! I hope he recovers quickly.

October 18, 2005

I am so glad your furry baby made it through the surgery. I understand totally, I have 2 cockers and they are my children. *HUGS* and a doggie bone for Bentley.

October 18, 2005

OH POOR BABY!!!!! Give that adorable pooch a big kiss from his Aunt Jenn. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers *HUGS*

Awww! I’m glad they’re taking good care of him, but I know it’s hard to leave your “baby” at the Vet, especially for anything major. I wish him (and you) a speedy recovery!

I’m saying a prayer for Bentley! Lisa

October 18, 2005

awwww, look at him!! he looks good despite the slightly drugged expression.

October 18, 2005

Bentley is surviving with dignity..that’s what the photo says to me. When my dog had surgery this summer I had to hand feed her nibblies…she loved the attention while it lasted. Even the cat was nicer to her while she was down. I’m sure you’ll make Bentley’s recovery a special time for him. I do know how hard it is when a pet is ill. Hang in there.

AAh–poor bently! Good thing he has such a caring mommy! (Jackie)

October 21, 2005

Deer Ant Courtney — Pleez tell Bentley that I am thinking about him and hope his Serjury went good. I don’t know what kidnee stonez are, but they don’t sound fun. Pleez come visit soon. My Mommies and I miss you lots. And Ant Chesty too. Lotz of luv, Austin the Wonderdoog (with Mama’s help)

October 23, 2005

oh.. your poor baby… I’m so glad he’ll be OK. I can imagine how hard it is to see him in pain and helpless and in the cage. I’m sure by now he’s home and happy.