Good Friday

Here’s some random goodness for ya…

-We get the new apartment keys TODAY! I am soooo excited. Ok, moving sucks…but being at a new place is refreshing…and a major shopping opportunity. 🙂

I got a Valentine’s Day card from Trey. LOL I guess you have to give up the panties to get flowers, huh? Still undecided on him. Time will tell…

The beads I ordered from Beadwhore have arrived! We’re going to wear them and make our moms proud. 17 Days until Fat Tuesday!

I have fallen in love with Raphael Saadiq’s Still Ray. Great song

Not only is it payday, it’s also tax return day ! WOOHOO!!! How convenient is that for moving day?

Since WW doesn’t recognize losses over 100 lbs, Rowdykat and I agreed to send each other milestone gifts for 125, 150, 175 lbs lost. I received my 150 lb gift from her yesterday…sapphire necklace to go with the earrings she got me at the 125 mark! Kat, I am so grateful for your support (and presents…LOL) Thanks!

Hope everyone has a great weekend…


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You know C, I always get the impression Gos and/or the Universe really loves you. 🙂

Happy Valentine’s Day

panties better at LEAST get you flowers AND some chocolate (fat free, no taste, zero point chocolates -of course…lmao!) have a wonderful lover’s day!

That makes me mad…more and more people need to lose over 100 lbs…they deserve recognition as well as those who needs to lose only 25 lbs!

“Gos”??? I meant GOD!!! 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend. 🙂

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everything with the move goes well!

They SHOULD fall all over themselves to recognize losses over 100 lbs–although I think you are getting a better deal. 🙂

February 17, 2003

I think you can turn a cold into a major shopping opportunity!! hahaha…