
This week has been so crazy. My friend’s (C) mom was rushed to the hospital on Monday due to shortness of breath. By Tuesday afternoon, she was having open heart surgery! The hospital staff is calling her a miracle patient. She essentially had the same condition that killed John Ritter. You know, people like to say that someone is “lucky” to survive…but depending on your faith, luck has nothing to do with it. I don’t think you can cheat death…it just wasn’t her time…she had more work to do. The entire ordeal has left me a nervous wreck and I’ve been operating on very little sleep. The surgery went well and she’s recovering like a champ. C is only 28, but her mom is 60 years old. This was the first serious health incident, but I think it made C have to confront her mom’s mortality for the first time. Not that 60 is old, but their relationship is a major contrast to what I share with my mom…who is 47.

Anyway, her Mom seems to be in the clear, so hopefully my sleep pattern will return to normal. I’m running on fumes right now, but this is not the time of year to slow down. I have SO much Christmas shopping to do. Chesty and I took 1/2 days at work today, so we can head to the mall before the normal evening crowd gets there. My company holiday party is next Saturday, so I have to find something fabulous to wear.

A question for the moms out there…

A friend of mine has a 7 month old baby boy…I’m looking for toy ideas for a Christmas gift. Drop me a line, por favor…

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



The official Turkey Day photo with my “little” brother…


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December 5, 2003

Great picture!! I’m glad your friend’s Mom is doing so well, that’s very scary to deal with.

December 5, 2003

What a wonderful picture! You look GREAT! 🙂 So glad to hear your friend’s Mom is doing well … what a miracle that she pulled through.

Glad your friends mom is doing well. How scary! You guys are going shopping. I think it’s so nice, you two have such a close relationship..(Jackie)

A toy that will grow with the child until at least age 3 is Leap Start Learning Table by Leapfrog. It cost about $30, but it is a great educational toy that will last for YEARS!! I’m going to get one this Christmas for my cousin’s baby. Prayers for your friend’s mother. Wow, that situation speaks to me. Be Blessed…

December 5, 2003

I may not be a mom but my brother, sister and sister-in-law are quite the breeders, making me quite the Aunt. Not to mention my DAD has 6 month old twins! We got them some Baby Bach CD’s and this grow to walker type thing from Fisher Price, quite cute!

December 5, 2003

great picture, you look incredible.

December 5, 2003

seven months old…hmm. still would appreciate diapers/wipes (if you want to go the “what do you need” versus the “what do you want” route. Probably something like a kick start gym or something that they can hold onto and push (soon) to practice walking skills…

December 5, 2003

You look fantastic! I’m finished with Christmas shopping and thrilled about it. Did it all online. Woohoo!–

December 6, 2003

When my daughter was that age she LOVED something by Fisher Price called the kick start gym. I think that or I dont know if you’ve seen the commercials but those clear blocks that have stuff inside them like a bird or whatever would be a hit.

I have 11 month old twins. I think a good one would be the kick start gym by playskool or the ball drop thingy where they drop the balls and they spin down a spiral like those big gum ball machines it’s by playskool also. Hell anything by playskool will do !!!LOL

That’s a great picture Courtney! Sorry to hear about your friend’s mom, sounds scary. I’m glad she is okay! May God continue to Bless you and your family! Happy Holidays! liz1234us

December 10, 2003

Oh, my gosh, you are looking wonderful! So happy to hear your friend’s mom is doing well. Your observations are right on, too.