
Hey Folks!


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Christmas was great! It was nice to host the family. I ate entirely too much, but it all stopped on 12/26. 2004 hasn’t exactly been a banner year for weight loss, but things are changing. I have finally reached the point of being truly fed up. While I’m grateful for the progress I’ve made overall, the last few months have sucked! I am pissed that I let one gain take me out of my game. I reached 199 in August and 2 weeks later had a gain that took me back into the 200s. No biggie, right? WRONG. The scale has been slowly creeping up and I have simply avoided the numbers.


Not anymore.


I am tired of feeling guilty for not moving forward. It’s not like I’m the representative of the entire weight loss community…so why do I feel like I’m letting others down when I don’t succeed? It’s a terrible feeling…and the pressure doesn’t help my own personal motivation. One of my goals for 2005 is to get back to basics and reclaim my journey. Being selfish is ok when it leads to self improvement, right?


My next official WW weigh-in will be 1/8/05. I’ve peeked at the home scale and it isn’t pretty. Let’s just say that I no longer qualify for the 200 lbs lost VIP section at the club. Oy vey…


Ok…enough of the melodrama.


What do I plan to do about the mess I’ve created?


-Back to the Basics…I know it sounds cliché, but it works. Journal, H2O, Exercise. So simple, it’s complicated.

-Sistahs on Weight Watchers (SOWW) is having a board challenge loosely based on The Biggest Loser. West vs. East. 12 weeks of hard work and dedication.

-The Reunion Challenge…Lynn and I are determined to be fine as wine at the ol’ high school reunions.

-Danskin Triathlon training…6 months is plenty of time to prepare, so no excuses. Click here if you want to TRI.


This concludes my confessional….have a great day.


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December 28, 2004

You are fogiven 😉 Confession is not only good for the soul, but the scale too!

I’m right there with ya sista! You know I busted ass to lose 50 pounds and now I’m acting like I’m at goal! NOT EVEN CLOSE! So it’s back to the basics for me as well. I got your back girl…we can do this!

December 28, 2004

I believe you can do it. I’ve seen your progress thus far, and I’m amazed. We all get off track a little. The important thing is to jump back on.

Its okay Courtney. I think it is good to be hard on yourself. You have so much determination you will be back in the 190s by no time! The nice thing is everyone ate too much and we are all ready to get back on! Merry Xmas!! (Jackie)

December 28, 2004

Your new good patterns can be in place by January 8th. Go Courtenay!

December 28, 2004

You can do it. I am in the same boat exactly on a smaller scale–lost 50, have been coasting for over a year, and starting to creep up. I have about 65 more to lose now. I too am trying to regain my focus and back to the basics for me, too, is the key. I am starting out slowly–just making sure that I pack a healthy lunch for my work days. That is the #1 key for me. Linette

December 28, 2004

well, new year, new start. I am officially starting WW once again. old program, new me. I have focused on pretty much everything in my life that I could want and acheived it. now it’s time for me! You can do it too! 🙂

Girl you have done so well and you are truly an inspiration!!!! We all struggle sometimes, life is about struggle and accomplishments. When you finally get to the end of your journey it will one of the most rewarding things you have ever done! Tontoy 242.2/215/160

December 28, 2004

Back to the basics? I need to get “TO” the basics!

Here are my 2 cents.To hell with everyone.Losing weight is a personal journey.It is selfish and it needs to be selfish.Feeling guilty or like you let your supporters down when you gain is the same as feeling like you let the haters down when you lose.To hell with feeling accountable to anyone if it gets in the way of your weight loss goal.Keep fighting the good fight.Put Courtney first. -Karazay

December 28, 2004

i know you can get back into it and lose weight! no problem for you 🙂

Go Courtney! You can do it!!

You should not feel guilty to us for anything, everyone’s weightloss journeys has its ups and it downs. Now get back in to! Capnsweets

Dear Courtney, You are such an inspiration! I discovered your online diary recently and read all of your brickhouse chronicles. You rock! Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Reading your story helps me find the diva in myself. Thank you for sharing all the ups and downs and keeping it so real. I wish you all the best in 2005!

December 29, 2004

I am with you as well. Its like I am satisfied with my weight right now and I’m not. I still have 30+ to go, and my goal was 200 by Jan 1st. Woops. Selfishness is a good thing- you’re taking care of yourself. You are a beakon for many of us WW ladies, but we all know you’re a real person who’s struggling just like us.. its kind of refreshing, in a sucky way. *hugs*

December 29, 2004

Hey babe, I’m right there with ya. I haven’t yet peeked at the scale. I’m scared to after this holiday. I’m just a few pounds from onederland and it feels like it might as well be 50. Back to basics sounds like a good idea.–

December 29, 2004

You are forgiven, you may go in peace… and may your goals turn into successes, weight wise or anything else. Happy New Year!

Thanks C… I needed this entry. Smooches…