
Triathlon training is back to 100% this month. January’s drama caused all kinds of scheduling conflicts, but everything has improved…so I’m back to kicking my own ass with workouts. 🙂

February and March will be focused on cycling to prepare for the The Space Race. Swimming will take top billing in April/May because that open water shit is no joke. Chesty finally admitted to being scared to death during 2003’s TRI. LOL Thanks for telling me this now…

FYI, Super Street is hip hop dance class. FIRM info can be found here.

February 2005 Workouts
Feb 1 OFF
Feb 2 Cycling
Feb 3 Super Street
Feb 4 Cycling
Feb 5 OFF
Feb 6 OFF
Feb 7 Elliptical
Feb 8 FIRM
Feb 9 Cycling
Feb 10 Salsa
Feb 11 Cycling
Feb 12 OFF
Feb 13 Cycling
Feb 14 Elliptical
Feb 15 FIRM
Feb 16 Cycling
Feb 17 Salsa
Feb 18 Cycling
Feb 19 OFF
Feb 20 OFF
Feb 21 Elliptical
Feb 22 FIRM
Feb 23 Cycling
Feb 24 Salsa
Feb 25 Cycling
Feb 26 OFF
Feb 27 Cycling
Feb 28 Elliptical

I forgot to mention that my truck was completed last week and it’s beautiful! I was very impressed with Service King. Technically, my damage was all cosmetic. However, seeing the damage every time I drove did not allow me to mentally move past the accident. The cool part? SK did the job for $200 less than the insurance estimate, so I got to pocket the difference. Amazing how this drama  turned out ok, eh?

Hope everyone has a great day!



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I would be afraid of the hip hop dance class. I might kill someone with all my flailing around! Good for you!

February 2, 2005

hip hop sounds fun!

RYN: Thanks Sister! Smooches…

February 2, 2005

wohoo, glad to hear you got your truck back! and pocketed a little cash. But especially glad to see you doing what you love, working out and being so motivated.

February 2, 2005

great deal with the truck 🙂 and what a workout schedule u have posted! woohooo…have fun 🙂

$200.00 not a bad price.

February 2, 2005

I take a hip hop class too. You are going to be burning some mean calories lady! Good luck.

February 2, 2005

wooohooo…..shoe money! 😀 i’m glad the truck is fixed. it’s scary to have a visual reminder like that!!

February 2, 2005

Cool beans about the truck!!!! And the $$$. Wow–your exercise regime makes me feel guilty. I feel proud if I do the 2 mile WATP dvd…I really gotta step up my exercise efforts. But I HATE HATE HATE exercise…..sigh. Actually there are some things I like to do, like horseback riding but MONTANA IS A FROZEN WASTELAND RIGHT NOW!!!! Linette

dance classes sound like fun! The Firm really works my mom has been doing it for 6 months now and has a lost a total of 30lbs. Good luck with training

You are so good. I can barely figure out a weeks worth of exercise much less a month. Modesty12

February 3, 2005

WOO HOO!!!! Now THAT’S a schedule! 🙂 Congrats on the car being fixed and for less than estimate! WOO HOO!!!!! I miss you, buddy!!!! We need to write more 🙂

February 3, 2005

I’d love to take a hip hop class!