Exorcise the Demon…

I have been battling stomach virus from hell since Sunday. I finally returned to work yesterday and it was a major effort to get through the day. I hate being sick…even though it’s the only way I get a nice loss on the scale. LOL Needless to say, I skipped my WW meeting/weigh-in. I have no desire to show a sick-related loss…only to see a gain the following week. I’m back to regular food now, so I’ll let my system return to normalcy and get an official weight next week.

I signed up for a workout/nutrition program at bicyling.com. I’ll post detailed info during the weekend.

The Little Prince turns 4 on Friday! I wish he’d stop growing up so fast. 🙁 Puppies and Babies…why do they insist on getting bigger?

Ok, did everyone watch AI last night? Houston needs to work on the talent, eh? I don’t think Beyonce will claim H-town after those pitiful auditions…especially Demon Girl. I agree with Randy. It seemed like the bad weather was connected to this girl’s voice. Houstonians know to seek out that crazy heifer when it rains. Nothing tops Scat Girl from earlier in the week. Oh my goodness…what was wrong with her? Ella Fitzgerald needs to haunt that girl for real. All Paula could do was compliment S.G. on her outfit. WTF? Paula needs to get a backbone. I guess she’s trying to be nice to everyone so her comeback CD does well. She’d be better off releasing a greatest hits CD and hope that people my age pick it up just to reminisce about 6th grade. LOL

I think I’m a wee bit obsessed with Maroon 5. A girl at work as the CD and I’ve been wearing it out. I’ll definitely pick it up this weekend. I think I’m just a fan of music that’s hard to classify. M5 is like a soul rock band…but that description really doesn’t do the band justice. Check them out here. I’m also going to get Elephunk from the Black Eyed Peas. Jackie (my favorite Canadian) loves it and from what I’ve heard on the radio, it’s definitely a party CD. Adding Fergie to the group was a great decision. Girlfriend can sing like Teena Marie. Hard to believe she used to be on Kids Inc., eh?

Daily Points Range: 24-29

Whole wheat English muffin-2pts
Egg beaters (Southwestern)-1pt
Mozzarella cheese-1pt

Mid-morning snack

LC French Bread pizza-6pts
Diced pears-1pt

Afternoon snack
RTD Myoplex protein shake-4pts

Workout: 60 min. spinning class

Lemon Pepper grilled fish fillet-2pts
Black beans-4pts

Daily Points total: 24





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Hi!I just joined weight watchers – I had my second weigh in today – 5.5 pounds gone so far! You have lost a truck load of weight!!! Well done. And as for spinning class- the first time I went it nearly killed me but I can just about handle it now!

i was just looking to buy john mayer tix last night and i noticed that maroon 5 was opening for him. 🙂 yeah…scat girl was uh…wow.

M5 are awesome their songs just get stuck in your head. They used to be called Kara’s Flowers but they sounded a little different.

January 22, 2004

I haven’t done it yet, but I’ve been tempted to use the “no weigh-in pass” they hand out occasionally. Some weeks I just don’t want to get weighed (just had a huge lunch, etc.) but I also don’t want to miss the meeting. I hate missing meetings. The first few episodes of AI are always interesting… but I missed it, sadly.–

January 22, 2004

Ha I loved, loved Scat girl. I felt they really concentrated on the bad singers this year instead of showing auditions of the good people as well. It was totally unbalanced. I know, KNOW I am a bad singer. So i don’t it is just that simple, but what are these people thinking that are crying and stuff..and where are their friends to give them a clue?

I haven’t been watching AI. I’ve been totally into America’s Next Top Model. That show is sooo funny to me. I usually like to watch AI during the auditions, because the beginning of the actual show kills me!! Hearing them ALL sing, skipping around smiling just makes me want to scream. I only watch the final four people. Anyway…I’m off to do something!? Smooches…

January 22, 2004
January 22, 2004

Very good idea to skip the weigh in so you should have a good surprise next week instead of being disappointed. There are two awful viruses around here lately, and one of them makes people’s eyes water like they are crying all day. I hope the rest of your week is better!

January 22, 2004

Yeah, Texas talent leaves something to be desired. 🙂

ryn: I am really enjoying weightwatchers so far. I like the fact you don’t have to cut any food out although I have stopped eating chocolate because I recognise I have no control over how much of it I eat once I start!!!

January 23, 2004

RYN: Then maybe it was just scary demon girl putting a curse on the whole show. 😛

January 23, 2004

RYN: *ROTLFMBFWAO!!!!!* I love it. Ya know, if Chesty had just waited a while, she coulda had my leftovers and maybe we could have gotten a group rate with the surgeon! *LOL* 🙂

I just came down with some sort of virus myself. I feel like crap. And I agree, the Black Eyed Peas did do a good thing adding the female. I just had to catch myself up on your diary before I go lay my sick self down. Later.

hope you get to feeling better