Everything is Everything…

Everything is everything
What is meant to be, will be
After winter, must come spring
Change, it comes eventually-Lauryn Hill

Please excuse the randomness of this entry…a true sign of a chaotic mind…but y’all love me anyway.

Holiday Party…We have the menu planned and received a final invoice. I am SO relieved. We literally plan/fundraise for this event all year round and I’m glad things are wrapping up nicely. The party is exactly 4 weeks from today. I’m kicking up my workouts to prepare and I don’t plan on buying my outfit until the last minute. I realize that there won’t be major fat/inches lost during this time, but any little change in body composition can drastically affect garment fit. Learned that the hard way.

Fitness…I’ve decided to hire a personal trainer in January. I figure I can afford the luxury since my truck is paid off and my student loan is now under $500. Hooray! I need someone to kick my ass on a weekly basis. I’m ready for my body to change shape and put on some muscle mass.

Phat Camp…
Chesty and I are planning to attend Jen Hendershott’s Phat Camp in May (Chicago). I’m really looking forward to it! I’ve heard that camp is intense, so you can bet that I’m motivated to bring the best body/fitness level I can to the event. Jen has several camp locations…click here if you’re interested. FYI to my Chicago buddies, I’ll be flying in early, so we’ll have time to visit.

Today’s Cool Healthy Link…
Hungry Girl

Product Junkie…
For all of my fellow PJs out there, here’s a list of my newly purchased goodies: Philosophy’s Candy Cane 3-in-1, Coconut Hut Beauty’s Body Souffle in Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting** and MAC’s Nail Laquer in Dark Angel.  **Better to smell like sweets than consume them, right?

Thinking about inviting J to my family’s Thanksgiving dinner. If he can live through it, he may have real potential. haha

ANTM: Lisa really irks me. I’m rooting for Kim or Bre.
Grey’s Anatomy: Best show on television (well, until The Sopranos starts up again). Meredith: I really don’t like her. I know a lot of people do, but she annoys me. "Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me"  PLEASE…STFU, ok?
The Biggest Loser: I was sad to see Shannon go, but girlfriend looks great! I’m rooting for the doctor to win…and would love for Pete to take the $50,000 additional prize in the finale.

Bentley is back to 100%. He prances around like a puppy these days. Both dogs need to visit the groomers. Bentley looks like a wookie…and Braxton is a little Afro with legs. LOL

10 Clues He’ll Suck in Bed…from Cosmo
1. The guy can’t even find the beat to the "We Will Rock You" chant.
2. You met after he shouted "Hey, hot stuff!" at you from a doorway, where he was drinking Shlitz beer with 10 of his neanderthal friends.
3. He has Viagra and numbing gel sitting on his nightstand.
4. After pressing a few buttons and turning a knob or two on his stereo, it still won’t work. So he fires up and yells, "It must be broken! I’ve done everything I was supposed to do!"
5. When he was snuggling up to you during a movie, nuzzling into your breasts, you swear you heard him whimper "mama."
6. He’s allergic to his own sweat, so all his activities must not – under any circumstances – spike his body heat.
7. A cold breeze causes your nips to come alive through your white tee, and he blushes and turns away.
8. He complains that his tongue is tired after only two licks of his vanilla-caramel swirl ice cream cone.
9. Your door jams, and he doesn’t have the thrusting power to bust it open. In fact, you end up having to do it.
10. He gorges on a side of ribs smothered in barbeque sauce, and then moves in for a big smooch without even wiping his mouth.

Well, that’s it for me. Today’s plan is hair appointment and waxing (speaking of wookie…). Tomorrow, Chesty and I will be hiking in the morning and meeting up with Red for lunch/shopping in the afternoon. We’re also going to see little Camryn. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


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November 12, 2005

I’m watching the Biggest Loser and I’m so impressed at how well the contestants are doing after they’ve left the show. I suppose I’m rooting for Susie since she seems to have an enormous well of emotion to deal with in her battle. I don’t think I’ve seen an episode yet where she isn’t crying and often for other people. The contestants remaining have all shown great courage.

November 12, 2005

The personal trainer in January is a brilliant idea…and booking him/her now is even more brilliant. I’ll continue to read your diary for ideas and inspiration.

November 12, 2005

Yeah, I am trying to get back on track. Can’t afford a personal trainer, but my insurance company is willing to pay me TEN DOLLARS A POUND if I join weight watchers and get to goal, or lose 50 lbs whichever comes first. Ha. There goes the “But I can’t AFFORD Weight Watchers” excuse…. Linette

November 12, 2005

LMAO at the top ten! Let me know if you are making any OD type plans in Chi-town! : )

November 13, 2005
November 13, 2005

Good for you on hiring a PT in Jan. I wish I could afford to have one too…

November 13, 2005

RYN: Complete sense! 😀 And that makes me weirded out even more. LOL.

November 14, 2005

Good to hear from you girl. Sounds like life is good :o)

November 14, 2005

Dumb question: What is ANTM??? I might just have to ask for the Phat Camp for my b-day 🙂 Even though my b-day is in February *LOL* 🙂 Can’t wait to see ya!!! 🙂 YAY!!!!

November 14, 2005

Wow. Good for you, getting your trainer. I see you want next year to be about really big body changes. Hope you have a great Christmas party since you have been working so had on it all year.

November 16, 2005

I need that miseducation of lauryn hill cd in my life!!!! Someone stole mine back in ’98 *tears*

you know i’ll tell you! maxx and i are getting married on new years eve. 🙂

Hey I love your diary! I’m gonna add you to my favs 🙂 ANTM is my fav show right now (well 1 of them) and Lisa was weird!!