Enlighten Me…


Another entry burning up the pages of OD…

Find out who reads you!
If you read me on a regular/semi regular basis
leave me a note and let me know.
Then post this in your diary and find out who reads you.
You’ll be surprised how many different people read you and never know who you might become friends with.

Log in to write a note
December 3, 2004


December 3, 2004

🙂 me.

December 3, 2004
December 3, 2004

ME! 🙂

You know I do!!

December 3, 2004
December 3, 2004
December 3, 2004

guilty lurker.

December 3, 2004
December 3, 2004
December 3, 2004
December 3, 2004

Every entry. Sometimes I back track to the beginning for some inspiration.

December 3, 2004

I read all the time :o) Write more often!

I’ve been reading your diary daily for almost two years. You inspire me and crack me up.

December 3, 2004

ME! (Jackie)

December 3, 2004

im always busy lurking away

December 3, 2004

me me me 😀

December 3, 2004

I do. Faithfully. I’m not a blogger myself but I like to read them. Especially ones like yours that is so inspiring! Rooting you on to goal, Courtney! ~tcl64801@yahoo.com

Excuse me miss…what’s your name? Sister I will read you, even if I don’t read nobody else! Smooches…

I read you all the time!

I read every entry, just have never left a note before. You’re an astonishing woman and it is a joy to get a glimpse into your life and thoughts. Thanks for sharing it with us!! ~SEB

I read your diary and am always inspired by it! I am struggling to get back to weight watchers! I know it works but I’m being bad! 🙁 monkeydobad@hotmail.com

December 3, 2004

howdy 🙂

I read you all the time….I just don’t have a diary of my own. You continue to inspire & entertain, keep up the good work! – TKP

December 3, 2004

Wow! You have a *ton* of readers. :)–

I look forward to your posts. You’re a huge inspiration for me. I’m sorry I haven’t said it before.

I check your journal almost daily. You rock! Maura (a WW devotee from DC, down 50 lbs with 50 to go)

I’m one of those anonymous readers. I don’t have a diary, and I don’t normally read them. I stumbled on yours because of WW. I enjoy your story, and find it encouraging. Thanks for sharing! JSD

I read everyday. — Kim, lil_kk75@hotmail.com

December 3, 2004

Read all the time.

I check you every day. You help keep me on track, or at least mindful of it when I’ve fallen off!

Oops – left off my name http://www.weightywords.blogspot.com

I read you all the time, but don’t have a diary. Yours is great – funny, courageous, thoughtful. Thanks LBTEPA

Hi! I first encountered you on the original SOWW and checked out your amazing sight. Such an inspiration for me with my loss of 50 pounds on WW and still for maintaining. I stumbled across this blog and I read it daily. Thanks so much! E

I read your OD.. Its Awesome!

December 3, 2004

I read you, C!

I do…Chuck

I’ve read all your diary. While I am not overweight, I am struggling on other fronts and parallels can be drawn. I love your drive and spirit. And yes, I know you have bad days like the rest of us. I found your diary when I was doing reserch for a friend who is morbidly obease. I worry a great deal about him but hey, it’s his life. meta_physique@hotmail.com – Your French Canadian friend.

fa shizzle courtizzle – Chesty

December 3, 2004

oh me me 🙂

December 3, 2004


I read you daily……You’re truly an inspiration. cdunbar

December 3, 2004

I have been following you since you and Kat hit your 100 pounds loss in the same week on the WW board. I think you are an amazing person and I enjoy your daily ramblings and inspiration. jane_grapner@yahoo.com

December 3, 2004

I may not always note, but I read you…**SMILES**

December 3, 2004

but you knew that.

pick me.. pick me…

December 3, 2004

me, of course

I read you lady! Lynnderful

me. i’m such a lurker.

I’m a daily reader. Sandy

December 3, 2004

You know I do 🙂

December 3, 2004

I read you all the time.

I do!!! sara

I do! You inspire me, I have a friend who had weight loss surgery and she believes it is the only way to go, and you are living proof that I or anyone can do it a healthy way for the rest of our lives! Danielle

a hooker reads ya for sure!

Well, if you must know who’s reading, its… Vuqua.

You inspire me. You also challenge me (and ya don’t even know it!). Oh, and you crack me up. Thanks for all you share. Lisa

I’ve been reading your page since summer 2003 (you were in the 230s), but I’ve only left a note once – after you got below 200. I don’t have a weight problem and I’m not quite sure how I found your diary and webpage, but I find you very inspiring and I look forward to reading your messages. I think you’re a great woman. John

December 4, 2004

I’ve been reading your diary for years. I found you from getting2goal.com. I have you saved as a favorite! I don’t have an online journal. Keep up the great work! Audrea :o)

December 4, 2004

You’ll probably get 500 of these.

I mainly go to your website, but yes, I do read your entries. You are such an inspiration!

I read you regularly. I am struggling with weight loss. I really appreciate your diary. It gives me daily strength, inspiration, and motivation. joanna

December 5, 2004

you are read as regularly as I go on line. Which is less when I am sharing my computer with my daughter :>)

Hi Diva! I just started reading a couple of months ago. I went back all the way to the beginning and it took me about a month to catch up. Love it! cherrylifesaver

Read it every week and love it! Chrissy

I do too!!! You are such an inspiration . Thanks for being you. Melodi

I read almost everyday. You are truly inspiring. Joey Mechelle (from Oklahoma — saijoey@yahoo.com)

December 6, 2004

Every day but, lately work has been crazy. Proud to report the yo-yo has broken…197.7 (I was dancing at the scale Saturday)

Hey girl, im carol from birmingham , england(uk). i have read you for a while. i dont always post a note but thats just because im a lurker and im black and im british :0). keep up the good weight loss journal. your always an inspiration. i dont have an online diary…:0(

You’re personality and vibrance is inspirational. And your humor makes me smile (even laugh, at times). Thank you 🙂 -Joy

I have read “you” for a few months now. Even though I am a 47 year old white woman I love reading about your wonderful weight loss.What an inspiration! Keep it up!!!’Me

I can’t even remember how I found your diary(from another who linked to another to another, etc.) but I love it. I had my own weight loss journey from 252 to 170. I remember how it felt to be in the 100s. When I read your post about being 199 I literally cheered and clapped for you. You are funny and I really enjoy your diary, keep up the good work!

I love reading your journey – you are truly an inspiration. However, I sometimes have to catch up, thus – the late entry. I look forward to your goals and seeing you get there. Keep up the great work.

December 7, 2004

Every single entry! Linette

Hi WWDiva! I read you on a pretty regular basis! I find you to be very grounding as I continue on my WW journey. Thanks for posting.

I read I read! WillowTheKittyCat

December 9, 2004

Me 🙂 – Monsterspit