Due to popular demand…

Ok…*one* reader asked me to write an entry about my workout plan. Enjoy, Kat. 😉

The Gym

After 1.5 years of doing my own thing, I decided it was time to join a gym. My TRI training partners belong to 24 Hour Fitness, so naturally I joined too. My workouts usually consist of 30-60 minutes of mixed cardio. I try to keep my heart rate between 140-150.

Treadmill: 3.5-3.8 mph (not a sprint, but pretty damn fast for a big girl) and incline of 3-4%.

Recumbent bike: Fat burning program…alternating between levels 6-9.

Although I like the treadmill and bike, I know it’s time to incorporate the stair stepper and elliptical (Lucifer’s invention) into my regular routine. I’ve done the elliptical a few times, but never on a regular *ouch* basis.

Besides TRI, my other reason for joining the gym was to jumpstart my weight training program. Everyone tells me I’ll love it once I get started, but I’m just not feeling it. Chesty is creating a program for me (she’s studying for her personal trainer exam and guess who gets to be the guinea pig?) I’m sure I’ll be more enthusiastic about weights once I see my body change.

When TRI training starts in January, I’ll post detailed workout entries. The only thing that worries me right now is the open swim. I’m a strong swimmer (hey, fat floats), but the idea of being in a lake with a lot of women freaks me out. Wonder if Power Bar makes a sedative?

Instructional Tapes

Taebo: When I started WW, I used the Basic Taebo and after 6 months (and a nice chunk of weight lost), I was able to move to the advanced tape. I don’t use it anymore simply because it’s no longer challenging for me. I think most exercise tapes only have a 3-6 month lifespan. At some point, your body is comfortable with the moves and you can kick ass in your sleep.

Pilates: I use the Pilates Conditioning for Weight Loss tape. It is great! Why? because there are 3 workout variations for the price of one:

Fully Modified: Muscular isolation to learn the mind-body connection.
Partially Modified: Increased movement for overall body toning.
Full Postures: Challenging workout for mind, body, and breath.

It may sound like fluff, but it really is a workout. 🙂

Latin dance: I use the Kathy Smith Latin Rhythm workout. The tape offers 2 workouts that cover salsa, cha-cha, and merengue. Definitely a fun cardio workout. I usually do this tape 1-2 times per week.

Bellydance: I heard so many good things about the Veena and Neena series, I had to give it a try. I use the beginner tape and it’s a pretty good workout. I usually do additional cardio before/after this tape for additional calorie burn. Cool soundtrack.

These are the activites I do now, but this will all change after the holidays. Starting January 1, my motto will be: SWIM-BIKE-RUN. LOL All I want is my finisher medal and t-shirt, dammit.

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I don’t know how you were able to do the Tae Bo Basic tape for so long! I just don’t like it at all! Your cardio choices at the gym sound exhausting but ambitious. Even without strength training, your lower body is going to be solid by spring time. I will take your advice and measure rather than weigh. 🙂

October 18, 2002

That’s a pretty good array. Keep the body active and guessing. 😉

October 18, 2002

Thank you so much!

October 18, 2002

I have the Tae Bo tapes, I’ll have to check out the Pilates ones…

i ordered that 3 video set off of tv called “the firm” and it has really helped me. it is cardio combined with weights and strength training. the cardio sculpt tape is 55 minutes of sweating your behind off, the ab tape is SO hard, and then there is a body sculpt tape for toning. i love them all. 🙂

that’s a good workout! ryn: chard is a beet-like root (i googled it LOL) and you can cook the leaves like greens.

Wow, you make my one hour hikes sound like rocking back and forth in this computer chair. lol! Take Care =)

October 19, 2002

RYN: Nope. Sorry. There is only enough nemossent energy in this small universe for one of me. If you cloned me, I would be diminished, and that is unacceptable. But maybe we can make some sort of arrangement???

oooh free weights is fuuuuuuuun! I do lots of free weights. Hope to squeeze in a session tonight before karate. BTW, there is a cardio machine that is a bit like cycling the back pedals of a bike with your hands. Might help build up muscle endurance in the shoulders in preparation for triathlon.