Don’t make me flip out Jerry Maguire style…

I woke up this morning with a knot in my stomach. The idea of giving my notice terrified me because I didn’t want to be mistreated. You know how management can act funky when you resign? Almost like they take it as a personal insult.

My coworker (also coming to the new company) and I both turned her notices in and our supervisor wasn’t here today. When she returns tomorrow, we’ll most likely be “walked”…meaning that we’ll leave early in good standing…and be paid for the two weeks. This is standard procedure for our company…apparently an employee with plans to resign is considered a cancer that could spread and cause a mass exodus. Oh well…I’m not complaining. PAY ME and I’m out!

I saw lots of cute outfits during my search and plan to take advantage of our tax free holiday this weekend. woohoo! Mommy Dearest advised not to go overboard…but I’ve already justified the $pending as a “work necessity”…LOL

Nothing newsworthy on the WW front…except the swirl margarita I had on Saturday night that punished me dearly. I’m contemplating another hike this weekend…can you say “addiction”? Oh well…worse things to be addicted to, eh?

Hope everyone is having a drama-free Monday. Chesty has decided to join OD…you’ve been warned. LOL


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July 29, 2002

Getting “walked” doesn’t sound so bad at all! 😉

July 29, 2002

Heh. So long as you’re getting paid its all good. 🙂

July 29, 2002

I am very excited about Chesty joining…It’s always nice to have new people…(Especially those that I have already heard about)…And Congrats on the job…

July 29, 2002

Drama-free??? drama free. I. Don’t. Think. So. Grrr, Let’s just say that Lass is soooo gald to be applying for school in Cali.

chesty is here??? where????

July 29, 2002

Ah ha! If they let you walk now, more time for you. Congrats on the weight loss and the job gain!

July 29, 2002

What will chesty’s diary name be? Keep us informed:)

I hope you’re able to make a clean break without a whole lot of stress. Have a good time over the next two weeks. 🙂

July 30, 2002

The walk with a cardboard box….two weeks vacation! Whoo Hoo. 🙂

July 30, 2002

RYN: Thanks C! That was exactly what I was looking for! 🙂