Divas…in the Hamptons?!?!?!?

My friend (and coworker) FiFi LaRue (sooo not her real name) and I were discussing potential vacation spots. We both agreed how cool it would be to rent a house in the Hamptons for a week. I decided to start hunting for information and was surprised to discover that the price isn’t totally ridiculous if you visit during the off season (September-early May).

The house that we’re considering is located in East Hampton. The property is divided into a main house and guest house…for a total of 7 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. The off season rate for a Monday-Monday weekly stay is $2400. FiFi and I agreed that although the house claims to sleep 14 comfortably, we’re going for a max of 8 people. Assuming 8 is the magic number, the cost per person would be $300…very reasonable for a 7 night stay.

We’re shooting for April/May of next year. Conflicting schedules/$$$ obligations have pretty much eliminated the remainder of 2002. Oh well…the extra time will hopefully make my body more bathing suit friendly.

I wonder if MTV would be interested in filming us for a week? If you’re interested in being a roommate, please email a psychiatric evaluation and summary of your scandalous past to moi. :p

Here are a few pics of the lovely house…

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September 25, 2002

The house looks lovely. Just remember that is still kind of cold in the Hamptons before Memorial Day and the night life is lacking.

Ooh! I wanna be a roomie! 🙂

Gorgeous. I love Montauk and the Hamptons. But I agree with MermaidJan that the night life is quiet at that time of the year. Personally, I love the off season best because of that.

September 25, 2002

I’m SO jealous!!!!

This is such an excellent idea! From what I have seen (on TV) about the Hamptons, it is actually a really beautiful area. But the thing is, most people focus on the celebs, the wealthy and the partying. I hope you get to experience both the scenery and partying. 🙂 By the way, your friend from the previous entry is so beautiful.

Ohhh – the house looks wonderful. I’ve never been much of a hamptons girls mysel though, I find the “regular” crowd to be less then friendly. Ahhh, well…

September 27, 2002

Sounds like fun, though I don’t know that I’d be able to attend. My loss, I’m sure. 😉

September 29, 2002

Sounds lovely, looks nice, too!