Divas are hitting the road…

Tomorrow morning I’m heading to Houston with Chesty and another friend. We’re going to visit a friend from high school…and talk about how we never thought we’d be this old. LOL

The plan is to hit the Galleria when we arrive for a couple of hours of frivilous spending. I can usually control myself, but the Houston Galleria is just too powerful. This wonderful place is a cosmetics/fragrance junkie’s dream. Origins, Aveda, The Body Shop, MAC, *and* Sephora under one roof? I need a patch for my shopping addiction…or maybe I should just tape my student loan bill to my arm? 😉

Tomorrow evening, we’ll set out to find a seafood restaurant worthy of our presence…and then we’re heading to Scott Gertner’s Sky Bar. I am very excited…the place looks great! If it doesn’t boost the tacky factor too much, I’ll take pictures. 🙂

Anyone else have big plans for the weekend? Or just planning to relax?

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July 12, 2002

You certainly are on early!! While you are in the Galleria, would you look to see if H2O+ is still there? [Warning: Some of the stuff in that store is sinful!!]

Go into MAC and buy a stunning shade of lipstick like “Rocker” or “Diva” (named after you!). 🙂 And bring me back something from the Urban Decay counter at Sephora! (We don’t have UD here in Montreal.) Have a good time this weekend. 🙂

Girl, have fun! Thanks to this awkward thingy on my leg, my shopping has been devouring the Carol’s Daughter catalog. Let me know what you get from MAC and Sephora…those stores are like chocolate to me…irresistable!

July 12, 2002

Ok, chicky…I’ve looked through all of this week’s and last Friday’s NYTimes and there is no Dr. Atkins article. What news paper was it in?

July 12, 2002

RE Dr. Atkins: Found the article. It’s from July 7th.

I wished there was a MAC counter near me.

Have fun out there! 🙂