Disturbing Dreams…

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this here…but a few of my “real life” friends know the story.

My first job was a receptionist for a driving school. Our main instructor, Mr. Graham, is the father of David Graham (1/2 of the Texas Cadet Murder Duo). If you’re not familiar with the story, check it out here.

During the week of the body discovery, David and Diane came into the office to see Mr. Graham. They waited in the lobby for him and I mentioned the murder. Why? Because David went to Adrianne’s school and it was major news in the DFW area. We all agreed what a terrible tragedy it was to die so young, etc. Can you believe it? They sat in my office "feeling" for the victim and her family…only to be arrested 8 months later for her murder. I’m getting chills just writing this entry.

When the news broke, I was beyond shaken up. Luckily, my connection to Mr. Graham and brief encounter with David and Diane were not enough to require me to testify.

The dreams are basically replaying the actual events leading up to the couple’s trials. From the day that I found out at work…trying to answer questions from concerned driving school students and parents…being worried about Mr. Graham’s health (he was in his 60s)…the uneasy feeling I got when I thought back to them sitting less than 5 feet from me discussing the body discovery, etc. Why did this case resurface in my subconscious last night? The incident is 9 years old. David and Diane have not been in the news recently…so there’s really no logical reason?

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March 4, 2005

Oh, this story is fascinating in a chilling sort of way. Maybe something tiny and insignificant is triggering these dreams..something too small for you to notice.

OMG, that is so chilling. I wish you better dreams today!

March 4, 2005

Wow, that’s such a sad and erie story, I hope you have better dreams tonight.

March 4, 2005

Maybe there was some sort of recent trigger, even if you barely noticed it. My god, though, that’s horrible, to get that close to people like that.–

Holy shit girle! I JUST watched a movie about them on Lifetime the other night. That is a creepy coinky. ryn: Yeah Maxx is hot, for sure. And he loves me! HA! Go figure!

March 4, 2005

That’s crazy! You should check out any hidden meanings at dreammoods.com

WOW, that’s creepy.

March 4, 2005

wow. I bet you could do without being so close to THAT event. I had some pretty bizarre dreams myself recently, but not like that. Linette

March 4, 2005

sometimes, the brain has to deal with its fears and memories on its own time table. just because its been nine years, maybe you arent really over the incident?!

whoa C!! Yeah I have been having some crazy dreams lately too. Maybe something about the story stills shakes you and the dream is trying to tell you something. Goodness!! Smooches…

March 4, 2005

FREAKY!! Maybe something triggered it subconciously and you’re just not aware of it.

March 4, 2005

WOW! i’d be freaked out too.

March 4, 2005

i live in north texas too and i remember hearing something mentioned on tv about that. it wasn’t too long ago either. maybe you overheard it while doing something else. maybe it was enough to seep in.

OMG! That is so scarey. Woould have freaked me out big time.

March 5, 2005

Ouh, that gives me the chills.

Wow! That’s freaky.

GIIIIIRRRRRRLLLLLL! YOU WILL NEVER BE CUT FROM THE LIST! You are forever a part of my stroll patrole.

March 7, 2005

maybe the recent arrest of the BTK serial killer could be what triggered it…apparently, he was a “normal” guy, very involved in his church and the community…