Diary of a Mad Black Woman…

LOL Referring to the movie…not my own personal diary (this time). I saw it for the first time over the weekend. I planned (and planned) to see it in the theaters and always ended up seeing something else. I was angry, happy and sad in the span of 2 hours…very good movie. Although he was an ass and a 1/2, I still love Steve Harris. Good Lawd, look at his lips…

Sunday, I went to see Four Brothers with Red & Chesty. I’m a John Singleton fan and he redeemed himself (Baby Boy- definitely not on my top favorite movie list). Mark Walhberg was great, as usual. I was also very impressed with Andre Benjamin’s acting ability. FYI to parents: Lots of violence in this flick. Of course, that didn’t stop anyone from bringing 6-9 year olds to see it.

Remember T (the single father that had full custody of his young son)? He emailed me today and we may go out later this week. I’m still undecided about the kid thing, but I’ll see what happens.

Has anyone seen the nikewoman.com ads in fitness magazines? They get the Diva Stamp of Appproval:

My shoulders aren’t dainty or proportional to my hips
Some say they are like a man’s
I say, leave men out of it.
They are mine
I made them in a swimming pool
Then I went to Yoga and made my arms


My legs were once two hairy sticks that weren’t very good at jump rope
But by the time I reached the age of algebra
They had come into their own
And now in spin class, they are revered
Envied for their strength
Honored for their beauty
Hairless for the most part
Except that place the razor misses just behind the ankles


I have thunder thighs.
And that’s a compliment because they are strong and toned and muscular
And though they are unwelcome in the petite section
They are cheered on in marathons
Fifty years from now, I’ll bounce a grandchild on my thunder thighs
and then I’ll go out for a run

Plus-size Shoppers Snubbed (from Shape magazine)

Heavy woman receive better customer service if they look like they’re trying to lose weight, researchers at Rice University in houston found. Seven women ages 19-28 shopped in their normal clothes and in size-22 "fat suits" while observers recorded their interactions with sales clerks.

Clerks were less friendly to obese shoppers in general, but women who carried calorie-free soda and said they were on a diet were treated better than those with ice-cream drinks who mentioned they were not trying to lose weight.

Why? Researchers say it’s because the no-calorie soda implied the women were trying to improve their appearance, while the ice-cream drink reinforced the stereotype that overweight people are lazy.

As I mentioned, this week is the UFC (Ultimate Food Challenge). The festivities kick off today with the holiday party menu planning (and free hotel lunch). My plan of attack is a protein-rich breakfast (egg whites, boca sausage and 1/2 whole wheat bagel with PB) and morning snack. The hotel cafe has a great salad bar/pasta chef…so I’ll load up on veggies and have the good ol’ chef grill chicken and fresh mushrooms in a bit of olive oil.  See? I told you I’ve been kicking ass these days.

Hope you all have a great day!

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You go girl!!! Kick a_ _ and take those names all the way to goal!!! Hey I need a J update you have been quiet lately!! Tontoy 242.2/224/160

August 16, 2005


Yes, Steve Harris is one fine man… his brother Wood Harris (seen on “The Wire”, “Remember the Titans”) has the squinty eye sexy thing going on. A family of fine brothers…. oh darn, I’m married. -vuqua

August 16, 2005
August 16, 2005

Love the ads 🙂 Good luck with the UFC!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

August 16, 2005

I seen those ads yesterday in glamour. The booty one is my fave!

Hey Diva, You truely are a Diva! 🙂 I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but I figure it couldn’t hurt to hear it one more time–you are an inspiration to all women who are trying to lose weight. Keep up the great work Diva! ~Magda~

August 16, 2005

always the inspiration! I liked BabyBoy.

This is the 2nd thumbs up I’ve heard for that movie just today. I’ll have to check it out!

I am not in the least shocked that 6 to 9 year olds were at the violent movie. I am a teacher and my third graders write about rated R (sex, violence, drugs) all the time in their journals, essays, classroom work. How sad. This will be the demise of our society. Wonder why our students are scoring poorly on tests? Oh, I forgot it is all the teacher’s fault.

August 16, 2005

You have so much will power…backed up by planning BEFORE the point of temptation. Well done again!

August 16, 2005