Detroit Out-Eats Houston to Take Tubby Title

[Editor’s Note: Houston slimmed down only because Jersey Girl and Hubby beat it into shape one bike ride at a time!]

Detroit Out-Eats Houston to Take Tubby Title

HOUSTON (Jan. 2) – This city, judged the nation’s fattest for the past three years, is starting to look thinner – but only when it’s measured against Detroit.

Houston is now the second-fattest city among 25 compared by Men’s Fitness magazine in its February issue, due out this month.

The scales tipped Detroit’s way because of a jump in television viewing, a worsening commute time and a scarcity of gyms, the magazine said.

Houston officials were pleased, although the sixth annual survey made it clear their city still could stand to lose more than a few pounds.

”We were just ecstatic to not be the fattest city,” said Lee Labrada, a former Mr. Universe, who was named Houston’s first fitness czar in 2002.

Told of Detroit’s designation, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick ventured an explanation.

”Our city is the automotive capital of the world,” he told television station WXYZ. ”The culture here is you walk out of your house, you get in your car or you take a bus and you go where you’re going.”

Kilpatrick, a former college offensive lineman with about 300 pounds on his 6-foot-4 frame, said he ”will lead by example” to encourage city residents to lose weight. He plans to run a marathon in the coming year.

Men’s Fitness uses 14 categories to determine the fattest cities, including the number of health clubs and sporting goods stores and the number of fast food and ice cream and doughnut shops per capita, air quality, climate, television viewing trends and availability of health care.

Texas had five of the 10 fattest cities, including Dallas, San Antonio, Fort Worth and Arlington. Others in the top 10 were Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland and Columbus.

On a separate list ranking the fittest locales, Honolulu was again No. 1. (Umm, I would be überfit too if I ran around in a bikini and ate pineapples all day…LOL)

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I think where I live is up there in the fit catagory (Raleigh-Durham, NC) Heh- these things really don’t mean much to me- but they’re way interesting!

January 3, 2004

Let’s hear it for Mayor Kilpatrick and wish him well on his journey. Congratulations are due to Houston for improving their placement. Question…did Houston weight stats go down compared to last year?

i’m from the detroit metro area… i’d never actually consider myself from detroit because i hardly ever go there, but still, it’s a little crappy to hear that stat, and i hope it motivates people here to get in shape, too!

January 3, 2004

You kill me!

Love the new colors! So girlie : )

January 3, 2004

well damn it, i was hoping to avoid living in one of the top 10.

January 3, 2004

RYN: Actually, I got a bottle of Malibu Rum, 2 Jose Cuervo, a Tanquery, and a Jim Beam. You know my secret? Hard liquor is my rocket fuel. 😛

January 3, 2004

Yep, we’re fat Ohioans, too! 😛

January 3, 2004


You know I’m a Detroit ‘burb girl so I can’t say that I’m all that surprised that we’re number one on the fattest city list. But I will say that I won’t be contributing to that total come 2005.

January 4, 2004

Ha ha, they say Va Beach is the most FIT city. I had to laugh when I saw that, because when I was at Va Beach this summer, I did not see too many fit people at all!