Dance: 10, Looks: 3

Yeah…I’ve been listening to show tunes on the iPod. My little bundle of joy is the only thing that got me through the illness from hell. 1/2 of my office was knocked out from it. I worked out this morning. Totally sucked. After 6 days off, my strength level is ridiculously low. I’m just going to ease back into my normal routine and hopefully avoid a relapse.

Other News…

Chesty and I are doing the Danskin TRI relay. She’ll swim, I’m taking the bike portion and P is handling the run. JerseyGirl is unable to make it this year, but I’m hopeful for a Tri-Divas Reunion in 2007. I’m seriously considering the MS 150 this year, so most of my training efforts will be focused on the event. 150 miles on a bike…in 2 days. Kinda makes sense to train, eh?

Chicago Phat Camp is getting closer! I’m so excited. I hope to come back inspired and ready to kick ass for the 2nd half of ’06. Campers received a letter from one of the coordinators today:

Hello Ladies, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

We are getting great responses from Chicago Phat Campers!  We are quickly reaching our limit number so if you have not registered, please go to Look under PHAT CAMP CHICAGO section.  You can also find ALL information regarding hotel accomodations, gym, etc. 

Recently I have had a lot of questions regarding what we do at Phat Camp and our schedule.  So that you may plan your travel accordingly, our Friday session will begin around 4pm and our Sunday session will end around 4 or 5 pm as well. 

In general, each day will be filled with one to two cardio sessions, one to two weight training sessions, seminars on nutrition and motivational techniques, diet help, as well as workouts and recipes that you can take with you. There will also be one-on-one time with Jen. I have also received questions regarding Jen’s involvement in the camp…she is in charge and will run the show!

The days are jam packed so if you live more than an hour away from Naperville, I would highly suggest staying at the hotel. You will be exhausted and the time you have away from the gym will be needed for rest and hanging out with Jen and other women. Its a fun part of the camp to meet and bond with women from diverse backgrounds. There is also a pajama party on Saturday night…our big social event!

Lastly, I have received a number of emails from concerned women who believe this camp is for competitors and super, ultra fit women.  Although a good majority of fitness competitors and other athletes will be in attendance, Phat Camp is far more diverse than you may think.  I’ve received a number of registered women who will be pregnant, overweight, underweight, competitors, bodybuilders,  friends doing this together, or women who are just trying to get in the best shape of their lives!

If you have a friend that might also be interested in attending Phat Camp, the time is now to sign them up! This is also a great event for friends and sisters/moms to experience together.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me…

Thanks and stay tuned for more updates!
Betsy (

Pretty cool, eh? Soooooooooo excited.

Well…that’s it for now. I’m going to eat dinner and watch tv. Desperate Housewives, Grey’s Anatomy & the L word! I love Sunday night!

Hope everyone has a great week,

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January 15, 2006

Sigh. We don’t get ABC. I miss Desperate Housewives! I miss Grey’s Anatomy! Waaaaaah…. Phat camp sounds cool. My husband is from a town near Naperville. linette

January 15, 2006

I hope you get your strength back soon…..

January 15, 2006

lmao…show tunes?! *snort* so, we’re liking the iPod, huh? am glad you’re feeling better. 🙂

January 15, 2006

I’m sure you will learn a major amount in that camp and it will be very inspirational just to listen to each other’s stories and take strength from the group. I had a bit of the flu last week…it cut out a workout but I survived. Take it easy going back to the routine. I hope this week is better for you.

Sunday night tv is good. 🙂 Phat camp sounds fun. Have a great time!

January 17, 2006

Hey Courtney, I am glad that you are feeling better! Your goals for the year sound awesome!! Best of luck. I LOVE Grey’s Anatomy!

Okay C, because I want to be JUST like you…I got rid of my old clunky I-pod and got the new 30gig with video…oh, AND in black just like yours! However, now that I’m trying to be like you, I need a loan, a Sista is BROKE! Smooches…