Damn Damn Damn, James!

I know what you’re thinking…

Why is this heifa throwing a tantrum this early in the morning?

I was having a GREAT week…working out/cleaning eating…until Monday night. I got the munchies (not weed munchies…I don’t even smoke…fat people are just talented like that) and decided to have a small bowl of cereal. One bowl turned into 2 bowls. Ok…not the end of the world, right? Well…my cereal choice wasn’t something sinful like Frosted Flakes. I went overboard with Kashi Go Lean. What the hell was I thinking? You can’t binge on the Colon Blow cereal! Oh my goodness…I was torn up something fierce (as my favorite Southern Belle would say)  for 36 hours. TMI? So…it’s MY diary.

Another lesson learned.

While we’re having school, can someone please teach me the value of proper planning? My triathlon training has been coasting. The Danskin is 2 months away and I’ve been doing moderate workouts. I’m confident on the 12 mile bike ride and 5K run. I’ve tortured myself on the same hills for the LAF ride….and the 5K can be walked (or crawled), if necessary. The swim…Lord give me strength (and some floaties…LOL)

Totally off topic…has anyone seen the new Rob Thomas video? Oh my…Robbie is looking fine with his new ‘do…the new song is pretty good too. Why do men always look better once they get married?

Well, that’s it for now. I just wanted to check in, since it’s been over a week. Today is my FRIDAY. I took the day off to start Mom’s 49th Birthday Extravaganza Weekend. Hope all is well!

Until next time…

-Colon Cleansin’ Courtney





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April 7, 2005

Good God! 😛 Get in that pool Sistah! I’m thinking Cassie and I will be making a road trip to wait for you all at the finish line 🙂

April 7, 2005

I don’t even know what to say about your 36 hour party…. girl, what were you thinking!??!?

April 7, 2005

Happy birthday to your Mom! Laffin @ the colon blow cereal. Yup I’ve learned a similiar lesson…never eat an entire package of spinich and pitted prunes in the same meal!!!!! *hugs*.

April 7, 2005

I’ve not tried that cereal yet, but I’m sure glad to have learned a lesson through you. 🙂

Hey, the kashi cereal must be good for a few pounds…no???!!!! lolol (Jackie)

April 7, 2005

LOL, here’s another one for you – not a good idea to eat a whole pint of low-carb, Atkins-type ice cream – take my word!

April 7, 2005

I know the feeling of waiting a little too long. I coasted on weight loss for the last oh about 6 months now with the wedding 45 days away (yes that is right) I am FREAKING OUT about looking super fat. at least I finally fit into my dress.

April 7, 2005

Colon Cleansin’ Courtney…..oh my god, that’s the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile! So I started back on WW two weeks ago, lost 4, ditched it last week, gained 1, and then I’ve been picture perfect this week. I think I just invented a new diet! 🙂

April 7, 2005

Hee hee! the first time I bought GoLean Crunch, my daughter, then 16, ate like half the box. Boy oh boy, she had the cleanest colon in town! Linette

April 7, 2005

Heehee, that’s pretty funny. I’m sorry for laughing at your discomfort… but I’ve done a similar thing before. Not with Kashi Go Lean, but fruit, of all things — specifically grapes. Fiber *and* fructose — not so good.–

April 7, 2005

Mr. Thomas is looking quite smooth. i always liked the 3am video, the way he moved his hips made me wanna dance. just so fluid. and i hate to say it… but the new do reminds me of our friend Timberlake. i hope mista rob doesn’t become so comercialized etc. his tone so is distinctive and i hope he doesn’t compromise the quality of his voice and lyrics for radio time.

I hear people pay good money for colonics in Hollywood, perhaps you just found the at home version! OH MY, C!! Hope you feel better now.