Daily Menu: 3/20

I’m going to try to post menus twice a week…we’ll see how that works out. Don’t hold your breath, please.

6 oz. fat free yogurt-2pts

Healthy Choice chicken enchilada-6pts
Salad w/FF Catalina dressing-2pts
Dole pineapple cup-1pt

Afternoon snack
Quaker Dipps bar (chocolate chip)-3pts

Morningstar Tomato & Basil pizza pattie-3pts
1 cup of black beans-4pts
1 cup of green peas-2pts

Evening snack
Lowfat fudge bar (store brand)-2pts

Total Daily Points: 27

Edit to add: I was in the 26-31 points range before the Mardi Gras gain and I’m going to continue that point allotment. I don’t see the logic in jumping back to the higher range due to my recent gain.

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March 20, 2003

why does it seem like I eat way more than you? For instance I eat an english muffin whole wheat( 2points) 1 egg white, 1 slice kraft light cheese( 1 point) and a cup of skim milk(2) for breakfast and that holds me till lunch, its only 5 points but it seems like way more than a yogurt and apple. Fat free Yogurt does nothing for me.

March 20, 2003

dont you get 28 a day?

March 21, 2003

ryn: you have lost over 100 pounds??? good for you girl, you look great 😀