Daily Menu: 1/6

I received a couple of emails last week regarding WW Flex Points and Fast Track. After a few weeks of trying Flex Points, I’ve made the decision to stick with the Winning Points program. The whole “target” aspect made me too focused on reaching a certain number every day. I like having the range that WP provides. I’m sure some people will argue, but I need to do what’s best for me. Hell, there are 2 women in my meeting that still follow WW 123 Success. LOL If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

As for Fast Track, I am totally staying away from this concept. I realize that it may provide a jumpstart to weight loss, but I have no desire to exist on 20 points per day for 2 weeks. I want Buddha Belly to leave, but I don’t plan to starve it. 🙂

Nothing major going on today. Work is still chaos from the holidays. My next vacation is the NYC trip in early March and I’m counting down the days. I need a break…before I snap and start stabbing coworkers in the break room. Not that we have anything dangerous here, but even a coffee stirrer can be a weapon with enough force and purpose behind it. LOL


Protein wrap-6pts

(2) White Chicken Egg rolls-6pts

Afternoon snack
GenSoy Xtreme bar (Carrot Cake Quake)-4pts

Turkey Breast steak-4pts
Black beans-4pts

Workout: 45 min. elliptical

Evening snack
FF Pudding-2pts

Total Daily Points: 28

Breakfast Protein Wrap Recipe (From Oxygen mag)

Makes 2 Servings

5 egg whites, scrambled
1/2 cup veggie crumbles
1/2 cup soy cheese, shredded
green onions, chopped, to taste
2 whole wheat tortillas
2 tablespoons salsa

Nutritional info per serving: 266 cal, 2g fat, 30g pro, 31.8g carb

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January 6, 2004

You rock

I tried to do the newer points plan and failed miserably. I felt hungry all the time and like I was wasting my bonus points. Maybe I should try the winning points again. I’m such a damn slacker.

Hey Diva! I am thinking of going back to winning points, but I threw my book away do you remember what the points range was I weigh 204 with that one you add in activity points every day right? All of this stuff has gotten me confused again!

January 6, 2004

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it… That’s what I say! You know I’ll be in NJ the last two weeks in March, just 40 minutes from the city.

January 6, 2004

i think im gonna start back again soon….i love reading your diary

Hey girl : ) Long time no see! I’m so glad to see you are still rocking on!

January 6, 2004

Good job wating today! If I worked with you I’d be hiding all of those stirrirs!

January 7, 2004

I’m doing exactly the same thing, not changing the way I track points. I hated feeling like I went over or started losing somehow if I went even one point over my minimum for the day. I prefer to have a range and know that most days I’m under my maximum. —

sounds good We had BLT’s ( turkey bacon 3slices=2 points, light wheat bread 1 point lettuce tomato 2 teaspoon light miracle whip( 1 point) and sweet potato soup 2 points… Man it is cold up here in Maine.