Counting down…

…only 9 days until Mardi Gras! I am ridiculously giddy about the trip. Ok, so it is my 3rd year, but it’s always exciting. My turning point happened during Mardi Gras, so I will forever view the event as a major part of my weight loss journey. Ok, with the serious stuff out of the way, let’s get to what the people really want to know.

Will WW Diva be flashing this year?
Absolutely not. Buddha Belly is smaller, but not to the point where I would show it to the world (including producers of the next Girls Gone Wild videos). However, Chesty plans to get some return on her “investment”, so I’ll have plenty of stories to tell.

Will Diva and her friends succeed in getting TheLassThatLost fubar and temporarily ground the librarian mentality while releasing her inner drunken whore?
Of course. Mardi Gras is all about debauchery. We are all respectable members of society, but MG provides a nice detour from prudence. The French Quarter is a magical place, I tell ya…LOL

Will Diva and company take a visit to Pat O’s and be bold enough to order the 3 gallon Magnum hurricane?
I certainly hope so…but then we’d have to fight over who gets to keep the glass. It’s a beauty…a goddess drink that outshines the mere mortal hurricanes.

Will Diva make an effort to get one of the coveted Zulu coconuts?
I plan to kick, bite, and perhaps steal to get one. They are the gold standard at Mardi Gras and I’m tired of the Barbie girls and frat boys getting them. If I come home emptyhanded, please know that I did my best to get one…and some faceless stranger has the bruises and broken toes to prove it.

Will Diva meet the man of her dreams, move to New Orleans, marry and have Bayou babies?
Umm, probably not. Last year I attracted a 50-something ass grabbing pervert and drank too much with barely legal college boys from Ohio. I’m hoping better suitors will surface this year.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend…


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Sounds like too much fun!!

It sounds right up my alley! Now I want to go to Mardi Gras really bad. I’m going to make a point to go next year.

Have a great time! One day, I will make it to Mardi Gras. . .

I’m so jealous. I SO wish I could go. You’ve got to down that giant Hurricane for me, diva! I swear I’m so there next year. I’m gonna get a little MG fund started ASAP so I have no reason not to go!

Thanks for your note! Me and my friends annual trip is to Mexico. We at least go 2 x’s a year. Our next trip is in a week and a half! I didn’t realize it was so close until just now 🙂 I’m from central Texas.. we drive down to Del Rio. It’s really awesome. Never had a bad time down there! By the way.. you look incredible!

February 22, 2003

omg, i’m soooo going to have fun in 9 days. and fyi, librarians are not all about the bun and glasses — ok, so some days are harder than others to be that sexy little librarian. LMAO

February 22, 2003

RYN: mmmm, Huricane!!! did i mention I practically inhaled the Huricane at DLR the other night? oh! i’ve been told by two co-workers (who you wouldn’t EVER expect to be party-ers) that Pat O’s was a must go. um, duuuh!

One of these years I’m going to make it to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. I have an aunt who lives in the area, and Paul and I will get there, eventually. Have a GREAT time!

February 23, 2003

Yeesh, not a good find last year. :p Good luck this year. 🙂 RYN: I curse more than you might think. 😉

February 24, 2003

Ohhhh….I can’t wait to go someday

mmmmmmm…barely legal college boys…lol i’m so jealous.

ryn: honey, believe me…if i had two nickles to rub together, i’d be there!

RYN: I’m about 140 miles south west of dfw. I think ya’ll are getting hit harder than we are.. so I can only imagine what it’s like up there now because we’re getting it good. I just love a good winter storm 🙂

February 25, 2003

hahaha…bayou babies! That’s hilarious.

NO is one of my favorities cities – there and Las Vegas. I hope you have a grand time and hey… the barely legal college boys sound quite nice ; ) PS – thanks for your note – I’ve had an extremely stressful week. {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}