Countdown to the Body Challenge…

Is this week ever going to end? Clients have had major attitudes this week…apparently nobody wants to be at work. 🙂

In fitness news, I’ve decided to wait until May to take the spinning certification orientation. The February class is too close to my NYC trip and money will be tight. So…I have my sights set on the May 1st class in San Antonio. The orientation will earn me 0.8 ACE points and 6 AFFA points and allow me to begin teaching. At that point, I’ll need to study the instructor manual and get hands on teaching experience (24 Hour is great about allowing student teachers to take over a portion of the class). Once ready, I’ll take the assessment test and receive my certification card.

Another friendly reminder, The National Body Challenge weigh-in is in 2 days! I am so excited. I postponed my usual WW weigh-in until Saturday. I’m going to weigh in at the 9am meeting and then head to The Discovery Store to hop on their scale. Good Luck to everyone participating. 🙂

Daily Points Range: 24-29


AM snack

LC Lasagna-6pts
Salad w/FF Italian dressing-0pts

Afternoon snack
GenSoy bar-4pts

Turkey burger-6pts
1/2 cup black beans-2pts

Workout: “24Step” class-75 minutes

Evening snack
Granola bar-2pts

Total Daily Points: 26

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January 8, 2004

Do LC’s fill you up? Im starving afterwards.

Courtney, you are so funny! The Baby got back cue is too funny cause I am in the same category with you and Ms. Godiva! Love that! Thanks for keeping it funny and inspirational. -AW

January 8, 2004

I need to get back on WW, I really do… oh just thinking outloud.

January 8, 2004

I have started journaling again…Baby steps.

January 8, 2004

i just visited your webpate – oh my god…girlfriend…you look great! you are an inspiration to me 🙂 i wish u much success in whatever u do 🙂 take care!

Courtney, I am planning on weighing in at the Galleria on Saturday too. I read your post mentioning it and I am really psyched to do the challenge. On the Discovery website the count is over 7000 people saying they are planning to weigh that day. WOW! I may try to go a little early. If I see you I will sure introduce myself. Janet (Former Ded Diva member)

January 8, 2004

You ahve a lot to look forward to this year! Ia m excited to go to Disney in March it is keeping my @ss in gear!

January 8, 2004

I got back too! The spinning certification sounds great. Wise of you to postpone until you can focus on it and not worry about the money.

I loved the baby got back comment. No matter what shape my body is in my back is coming with me. I’m excited too about the NBM. I’m going to be at the Discovery store bright and early! Who would have thought that I’d be excited about weighing in anywhere???

January 8, 2004

You are the coolest, I’m so happy you are going for that certification orientation so that you can teach. Way cool! One day someone will be writing in their OD about YOU being their fave instructor!

January 9, 2004

RYN: I love Proud Family too 🙂 That one cracks me up. We love Papi. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Haven’t gotten into Recess or Lizzie, but I’ve seen both once or twice. I love the “cartoon lizzie” cuz it reminds me of the “beth” cartoon in Better off Dead (Savage Steve is the best!)

January 9, 2004

I wish you’d move up to Chicago so I could take your spinning classes!!!!!! 🙂

January 9, 2004

Thanks for informing me about the The National Body Challenge. I am going to weigh in too. I just got a e-mail from them saying to show up early. They got a huge response and expect long lines.