Cooking the Books…

I originally decided to keep quiet about company woes, but it’s all out now. One of the major travel accounts in my office is Worldcom. ::cue dramatic music::

We handle business for another company (that is essentially the bread and butter account of the office), but I doubt their business will prevent further layoffs considering Worldcom owes our office $700,000 for travel services this year and will most likely not have to pay with the bankruptcy filing.

The ironic thing is that a lot of corporate travel agencies were able to stay afloat after 9/11 because business folks didn’t have the option to avoid air travel like leisure clients did. However, with the recent trend of shady accounting practices/number reporting, we’re probably in more trouble than some of the Mom and Pop leisure agencies.

Needless to say, my resume is a pretty popular document these days…

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July 22, 2002

Wow, layoffs everywhere….very scary times.

Hang tight, C. I know you’re going to find something more secure soon. My resume is hot stuff, too, at the moment so I understand!

July 22, 2002

Here’s hoping that you can find something to grab just in case. I’m hoping for you dear. 🙂

July 22, 2002

Ugh. Good luck–keeping my fingers crossed for you–

What I always wonder is, why those people at WorldCom were scamming money, did it ever occur to them that there would be a ripple effect and many, many people would suffer because of their greed and stupidity? Aye, aye, aye.