Checking in…

Hey Family!

I appreciate the concerned notes and emails. Things are fairly safe here in Dallas. We’re expecting rain this weekend, but hopefully nothing severe. People seem to be a little on edge here. The highways are crowded, Dallas-area shelters are full, lines for gasoline and grocery stores have an H2O shortage.  All of my Houston area buddies are safe. JerseyGirl and her family left H-town early, so their drive wasn’t too ridiculous. Speaking of JG, I’d like to say Happy 1st Birthday to Miss Cassie. Hurricane Rita may have changed her party plans a bit, but she’ll be celebrating in Big D.

Sorry I’ve been MIA lately. Work has kept me extremely busy and I haven’t had much to write. Next week’s workload will be worse (more Houston/Baton Rouge rescheduling and now we’ll have to add Beaumont to the mix). Oh well…my check will be nice with all of the OT.

I hope everyone has a relaxing, safe weekend. I’ll be posting Phase I of the Bermuda Food Triangle Challenge soon.


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September 24, 2005

Glad to hear you’re doing ok. You will definitly have a fat check from all the overtime. How are things with J, by the way? Haven’t heard about him in a minute.

YAY! I’m so glad you’re good. 🙂 I gave out your website in my class today. So expect lots of hits. check out my latest entry. there are comparison pictures. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YA!

I’m glad that you are doing well. Smooches…

I have never sent you a post until now. I have met a goal and am at 250lbs. I wanted to let you know that you have been an inspiration to me since I first found your site. My goal right now is to get to 200. I will worry about the rest then. It is so hard, but I am now becoming more active and walking every day. Thank you for all you do. Agape,

Glad to hear you and your family are safe Diva. My prays are with you.

September 25, 2005

thanks for checking in

September 26, 2005

Glad to hear you have ben safe through that stuff.