Checking in…

Thanks to everyone for the support. I can honestly say that I’ve been running on fumes for the last week. No one has passed away (thankfully). My diary is entirely too public for me to go into details. I’ll just say there’s been a number of things weighing heavily on my mind and heart. The main situation is slowly improving, so I hope to be back to my usual self soon.

Quick updates…

September ’04 car accident: The guy’s insurance agent called and advised “although we feel our client can be defended in court, we’ve decided to pay everyone’s claim…” Can you believe it? Let go and Let God

The Cassie Trip: Is confirmed and actually happening this weekend. I feel terrible that my little diva-in-training has been charming the world for over 3 months and I haven’t met her face to face. The accident happened 3 days after she was born…and chaos ensued. Anyway, Chesty and I will be heading to Houston on Friday. We’ll also be visiting our friend Tara and her new bundle of joy. Fertility Fest 2005 will happen rain or shine…

Fitness: Contrary to (somewhat) popular belief, I haven’t turned to comfort food and I haven’t forgotten how to get to the gym. I’ve yet to attend a WW meeting this year, but that will change soon. Meetings just aren’t a priority right now with everything else going on…

The Name Change: Chesty advised me last week that she plans to break away from the party girl image of 2004 and wants to reveal a more mature, improved version in the 05. So…she has requested that I use an alternate name for her in my diary. If you have a suggestion, please leave me a note. Only serious responses will be considered (e.g. “Busty, But Serious”…”Ivy League Stripper”…Honorable Hoochie” can be saved for AOL names, ok?)

Hope all is well…



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Hang in there! I hope your troubles will be resolved soon. hugs

January 9, 2005

Hmmm….she’s studying to become, or recently became a personal trainer right? Or did I just completely make that up?

Glad that you are back. Hang in there. Everything will turn out to be okay. Good job too for not turning to comfort food (that’s a tough thing not to do). Anyways, hope you have a great day.

January 9, 2005

Here’s to hoping your challenges lessen in the days ahead.

Let’s hope some of Fertility Fest 2005 heads my way. 🙂 I’ve been very good about going to the gym this year. I’m trying a “focus on exercise first, diet second” approach. In other words, become a gym addict, then work on eating habits. We’ll see how that goes.

January 9, 2005

See you next weekend Chica! 🙂 How about Ms. Chesty? 😉

January 9, 2005

Glad to hear from you, and to know that things are okay. I was afraid you’d dissapear for a while and we not find out about you.

January 9, 2005

well Bestie comes to mind It rings of best friend and sounds like chestie Just my thought churning the waters.

January 9, 2005

Buxom. Hey, have you seen that electric celloin on the Shar website? I posted a lust note about it today.

January 9, 2005

I’m glad you checked in. I’ve been worried about you. Linette

It’s all good honey. You should be able to read the other entry in my diar and that will give you some more details. I love you girl, I’m gonna be okay. I just need to work on myself for a bit. But you know I’ll be checking in with you!!! Did you ever know that you’re my hero?

January 9, 2005

RYN: lol, i’ve almost got it. it’s the pictures!!! they don’t fit in the layout we picked…

January 10, 2005

I can’t wait to hear how your visit with baby diva went.

January 10, 2005

I have no idea on the name change. I got back on the wagon on Sat and joined for my final time. This time I’m determined to get this weight off. I WILL NOT be a fat bride in 5 months.

January 10, 2005

It is good to see you. I am glad you are getting some family things straightened out.

DIVA~ HELP ME PLEASE~! I am 17 years old and need to lose about 30 lbs. I need a friend around my age, know anybody????????????

January 10, 2005

I hope things improve for you soon! Keeping you in my thoughts…

Keeping you in my prayers. Modesty12

Hang in there, Courtney. Trust that things will get better. I’ll keep you in my prayers.

do you know what happened to Whenever I try to access it I get expired message. thought you would know. thanks

January 12, 2005

you’ll have to tell me how everyone likes the new style. lol. i’m dying to know. RYN: membership drive…hmmm, now there’s an idea. you know, i keep saying i’m going to post flyers — but no one makes a yea or nay about the option.