
Hello Folks!

I know some of you have been with me since Day 1 of my journey…and you’re probably rolling your eyes at yet another change. Eh, what’s life without change? LOL

After struggling for the last several months, I made the decision to go back to Weight Watchers for awhile. Shocking, I know…want even more WTF news? I am going back to the program but staying true to my Paleo/Primal eating. 

WHY: My body loves when I stick with whole foods. I have more energy, sleep better and my RA basically remains dormant. Sounds lovely, right? Yes and No. The Paleo lifestyle doesn’t just embrace organic eating…it embraces organic life in general. In a diet sense, that means no emphasis on "counting" and essentially eating until satisfied…you know, like a normal person. I am far from normal (but you already knew that LOL). I am (and will aways be) a food addict in recovery. I need structure…counting in some shape or form will always be involved in my weight loss journey. So, why Weight Watchers…a program I’d become disgruntled with? Easy…it’s always been home for me. I lost 210 lbs on the program, so I know it works. I simply stopped working it. WW did fail me in some ways, but ultimately, my success (or failure) was my responsibility. I made the decision to go back as a paying member because I wanted everything that comes with the membership. The weekly weigh-ins, meetings and celebrations. I’ve been away long enough for some things to be fresh and new…others are still eye roll inducing, but I am going to push forward. As you know, I am getting married next year…so the idea that I’m paying "the corporation" to lose weight again is highly motivating to not screw it up. This money could go towards our wedding savings or future house. It’s important cash…so I cannot throw it away.

HOW: How am I planning to force two worlds that are vastly different to play nice? By sticking to the nutrition aspects that work for ME and not worrying about what WW or other members have to say. I know that whole wheat goodness is pushed to the majority of the country, but I know it doesn’t work for the management of my disease. Wheat makes rheumatoid arthritis angry. Soooo…I won’t be getting any "bravo" stickers for eating whole wheat bread vs. white bread. I haven’t purchased bread or pasta since April 2012. I also know that junk food lite makes my body feel like the Tin Man…before the damn oil can. My dietary plan has no room for WW snacks or air puffed 100-calorie gems. 

Results to Date: I rejoined WW on Mother’s Day. The fiancé and I were back home after spending the day with our Moms…and the urge hit me to do this. I didn’t second guess it…just drove to a center and rejoined. As of today’s meeting, I am down 11.8 lbs in the last 3 weeks. My scale has been all over the place in 2013…so what’s making the difference now? Nutritionally, I am actually eating more. With the no counting mantra, I question if I was actually eating enough before. My metabolism seem to come to a screeching halt 6 months into my Paleo experiment. Now…I am eating the same whole foods, but staying close to the points target that WW suggests for my weight and the scale has moved convincingly. Add in the wedding motivation (I want to be a HOT bride) and a general weariness of being stuck between my high weight and goal weight for YEARS. I’m simply tired of being the girl that lost a lot of weight but never finished the job. 

Sooo…there ya have it! Will I be a WW member forever? I’m not looking that far into the future. I am going to continue my membership until the wedding next year…we’ll see what happens after that. My goal is to lose 80 lbs before I get hitched…and 11 of those bastards are already gone! Since I no longer post regularly, there’s a Bridal Boot Camp ticker on the front page. The Road to 80 will be documented there. 

In wedding news, we’re securing our venue this month…2 of the 5 bridesmaids have gotten their dresses…and my future mother-in-law loves me so much that she created her famous eggplant casserole with gluten-free meal. Life is good. Hope all is well with you.

Until next time,

site meter

P.S. I did a mud run last weekend and you know I had to represent for the big, active girls! Our shirts were a hit…obviously. 


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June 5, 2013

Love the shirts! You look radiant. I think the paleo is great, especially if if keeps your maladies at bay, and then the WW sounds good to give things a bit more rigor. Exciting times ahead!!! 🙂

June 6, 2013

Good luck! There is no better motivation than a wedding, I lost 18 pounds in 3 months. Unfortunately, I put it all back on and more but I’ve restarted my diet today.

I have been following not since the beginning, but pretty close! 🙂 Congrats on the 11.8 pounds lost! I’m not paleo, but I did recently go gluten and dairy free (along with being vegetarian for years) and it has made a HUGE difference in my joint pain. So I hear ya. I hope the combination of Paleo + WW works for you! xo

I know exactly what you mean about your feelings with WW. I was very reluctant to rejoin, but I’m really glad I did. Can’t wait to read about your progress! 🙂

June 10, 2013

you’re amazing…that’s all

You look great!

You look great!

You look fantastic! Hope the wedding planning is going well – you will be one amazing bride!