Camp Countdown…

Chicago Phat Camp is exactly 3 months from today!

My goals for the next 90 days:

-5 workouts per week
-60+ cycling miles per week (this will increase once my work schedule stops trippin!)
-3 liters of H2O daily (My water intake has been sucking lately. Cold weather can bite my ass.)
-CLEAN EATING…yes, I’m attempting to go 3 months without a cheat day. Torture, I know…but I want to see if I can do it. Considering I ate out last night, the experiement starts today. LOL
-Weight loss…I don’t set number goals anymore. I just want more solid/less jello. domain belongs to me…but it’s still under construction. I promise I’ll have a new site to reveal before spring arrives.

Work-CRAZY BUSY. I don’t have a lot of positive things to say at this point. I have more motivation to finish school and get into the industry that needs me! On a fun note, the office activities committee sold over 600 carnations during our Valentine’s Day fundraiser. Hooray!

What Will They Think of Next?-Will this help curb cravings? Or encourage them?

Sexaholics-My upstairs neighbors screw all day/night all over the apartment. I want one of them to get seriously injured. That’s terrible to say, but I kinda mean it. Sex is a beautiful thing. Apartment life sucks.

2006 Vacation #1-Still trying to decide between San Diego & Las Vegas. We were supposed to be heading out to SAN to visit Kat, but she’s in the process of relocating to Jersey..and not sure if she’ll still be in Cali next month. Vegas would be cool too. I’ll decide in the next week or so. Chesty doesn’t even care…she just wants to be out of town on her 29th birthday.

Wasting Precious Time-I’m addicted to celebrity gossip blogs these days. A few of my favorites…

A Socialite’s Life
Celebrity Baby Blog
Perez Hilton
PINK is the new BLOG
The Superficial

*WARNING*-Some of these sites ocassionally post images that are NSFW (not safe for work), so surf with caution.

Success Files-In desperate need of new material. If YOU or someone you know would like to be featured, please send me an email.  Help a sistah out!

Celebrity Fit Club-Tempestt Bledsoe’s attitude SUCKS. That is all…

Random Eye Candy-

Olympic Shout-out-Congrats to Shani Davis for winning the 1000m speed skate *and* becoming the first Black athlete to receive an individual Winter Olympics gold medal. Shake the haters off and sign your name to the record book.

Well, it’s time to clean the apartment. Hope you all have a great week!


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February 19, 2006

Good luck on your goals girl… he is a hottie!

February 19, 2006

YUM. OHHHHH….YUM OMG…I love him. My neighbors are like that but only with music. They are always having parties and blasting the bass…I can’t wait for them to move!

February 19, 2006

Vegas is fun…just got back. We go a lot, thinking of moving there. Wages MUCH better than Montana… Linette

February 19, 2006

LOL we must have the same neighbors! They’re either screaming at one another or having makeup sex. Argh! Great goals, love the more solid, less jello!

February 19, 2006

LOL @ the banging neighbors. I remember the apartment days oh to well…lol

LOL – I am also so addicted to those Good though. Im not spending my money on the gossip mags (Jackie)

OMG I was thinking the same thing about Tempestt!! LOL 🙂