Boo at the Zoo…and other stuff…

Chesty and I took my 2 year old cousin to Boo at the Zoo in Ft. Worth tonight. My brother came home from college to join us…per Buzz Lightyear’s request. A few pics:

To infinity and beyond…

Brother(the college man), Buzz, and WW Diva decorating a pumpkin in the craft tent.

Too cute…

WW Diva, Buzz, and Chesty…

After dinner and the zoo, Chesty and I headed to Marc’s late night hockey game. I came out of matchmaker retirement to make things interesting. Marc is somewhat shy and Chesty is sooo not. However, she’s bashful and giggly around him…it’s really amusing. I’ll be sure to post Cupid updates. 🙂

Tomorrow I’m going shopping with Mommy Dearest. I’m attending a travel reception at The Mansion on Turtle Creek next month and I’d like to get something that actually fits! Losing weight is great, but I’m in between sizes right now and it sucks big time. If they made a size 21, I’d be wearing the hell out of it. Mom is treating as a reward for losing 140 lbs. It took me 3 months to move from 135 to 140 and I deserve it, dammit. 🙂

I need sleep…goodnight peeps…

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What a cutie!!!! It looks like you guys had a fabulous time!

I love the buzz lightyear costume 🙂

October 27, 2002

You have a wonderful family. I’ve been following your weight loss and I can totally see it in your photo. Good for you!

What a cutie! You look great too!!!

October 27, 2002

Too cute! And my dear, you are looking might skinny there!

RYN: Re: “Raising the bar…”: Oh my gosh! I owe you a huge thank you! Here I was, getting obsessed about cross training, and I wasn’t considering the “raising the bar” aspect of it. I’ve read, so many times, about how people have gotten creative with videos and do things on their own to make it more intense. I never gave those ideas serious thought until I read note. It all makes…

sense now. Thank you!

What great pics. You look fabulous!

October 28, 2002

So darn adorable!! 🙂

October 29, 2002

What a cutie! (And I wasn’t just talking about the kid! You’re looking quite sexy, you know. You’ve passed me. By probably 10 pounds now. *NM waves forlornly at you as you go zipping down the skinny slide and she continues to crawl inch by inch down the stairs…*)

the mansion?? can i be your date?? 😉

ryn: i would be #1, right? 😉

October 30, 2002

matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match… don’t you know the trouble a matchmaker can get into?? 😀 p.s. am back from private hell status.