Blah… *e*

Hey Gang-

Sorry for the hiatus. Work is pure chaos and I’ve been buried since returning from Chicago. We’re short-staffed and getting through the day without stabbing someone has been a real challenge. My coworker Shrek is really working my nerves. She’s one of the "more life experience, so I’m a know-it-all" types. PLEASE. First of all, she’s only 50. Yes, that’s much older than me…but she doesn’t qualify for any "elderly" benefits, mmmkay? Which means…if she says something fucked up to me…she’s going to get a fucked up response. That’s the rules, right?  I aplogize if Troop 735 is reading today…but it’s one of those entries.

In other work news, we signed a contract for the holiday party venue, so that’s a burden lifted. I know it’s only June…but companies don’t waste any time booking locations. The DJ was also booked in advance (he got everyone dancing without having to play the usual tacky suspects: Chicken Dance, Cotton Eyed Joe and Achy Breaky Heart). I was impressed.

Fitness stuff…our 3rd team member is knocked up now expecting a little bundle of joy and she pulled out of the tri (wish her hubby had pulled out too…kidding…sort of). LOL I’m all piss and vinegar today, huh? Oh well…you still love me! Anyway, Chesty and I decided to skip the event completely. We don’t have enough time to find a new team member and it’s just not the same if it’s only 2 folks. With the registration fee and gas money, I could do 3 solo bike races instead. So…instead of the tri, I’ve registered for the Tour d’ Italia (30 mile course). The event sounds fun and I think it will be a good tune-up for the Katy Flatland in July aka Tri-Divas Reunion!

Totally Random…Why haven’t we seen pictures of Suri Cruise? Is it because she doesn’t exist?

Anyway, that’s it for now. I’m going to feed the Buddha, enjoy tonight’s episodes of the The Office and try to fix my ‘tude.

Until next time…


Edit 1: Donna (Jersey Girl At Heart) is NOT the preggo team member! LOL So sorry for not clearing that up. Chesty asked her friend Paula to be our 3rd because D’s schedule has been a little chaotic. So….Donna is not pregnant…I don’t think she is…umm, D…you better let a sistah know if you are!

Edit 2: I’m not so blah anymore…my Dallas Mavs beat down PHX. 50 points to Dirk, thank you very much.

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June 1, 2006

Doesn’t exist? Hmmm, I honestly have to say that I hadn’t thought of that possibility. How long before we see pics of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt?

June 1, 2006

You know, there’s this website out that has a whole conspiracy theory that Katie’s pregnancy was faked. But, we didn’t see pics of Britney Spear’s first offspring until later… Who knows. I soooo want to see Shiloh J-P.

June 1, 2006

Did I miss something? Is Donna preggo? Maybe I am way off base here but I thought she was your third and I haven’t heard from her AT ALL LATELY.

June 1, 2006

Strike that last comment. I am apparently very confused and know nothing. LOL. But it reminds me I need to send a note to Donna to come update. This is how nasty rumors get started. LOL.

June 1, 2006

Ok, I love you, but I can’t wait until this series is over. Then you can tend your broken Dallas heart, and we can be ODBFFs again. Sound good? 🙂 Way for you to get the holiday stuff booked! You are always so on top of things. That’s awesome. Have a good Friday Diva!

i love it when you have a tude in your stroll patrol shoes!!!! Okay is it wrong that i already can’t stand the cruise baby? and why is Britney Spears STILL reproducing with K-Loser?

June 2, 2006

Tri’s relays really don’t work w/ just two people, it’s possible but it would be very interesting…..i’m sure you’ll do awesome at the bike races. You sound very busy, but I guess that’ll hopefully keep you from mindless eating, right? Anyways, have a good week!

June 3, 2006

you wonder if he is paranoid , living in Africa that some one might kidnap Sun

June 3, 2006

oh wait that is anjolie sorry