November 1-30, 2005

Set a realistic exercise goal for the month (# of sessions or total monthly minutes)
-Set daily H2O goal
-Set goal for pounds and/or inches lost
-Try a new healthy recipe**
-Choose a nice, non-edible reward for your hard work
Courtney’s goals…
21 workout sessions
104oz of H2O daily
1/2 inch from waist–1/2 inch from thighs
**Will post new recipe later. If you plan to participate in Phase II, send me your recipes and I’ll post all of them here.
Reward: Nike Air Pegasus running shoes

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You can do it! Smooches…

November 3, 2005

Go, girl!!!! what are your secrets for the water? how do you get that much in?

November 3, 2005

*cant get over the dancing turkey* *sits hypnotized* *blink* Good luck with your goals!

November 3, 2005

oh god, i wish i had your energy. i gotta get back to the gym and start watching what i eat… too much temptation all around! save me! hehehe good luck hun, i know you will far exceed your expectations!

November 4, 2005

cute shoes! Keep up the good work!

Go diva, go diva… I’m right behind you girl. You can make it!

Im very inspired by this idea so here are my goals: 25 work out session (running 1/2 marathon Dec 3rd) 80 oz water daily Minus 4 lbs I’ll send you my newly created recipe Reward: get my hair highlighted Meredith

ryn: go with your gut my love, because it’s right.

November 6, 2005

you be the woman

Set a realistic exercise goal for the month 4 days of workouts -H2O goal- 5 glasses of water -Set goal for pounds and/or inches lost-8 lbs -Try a new healthy recipe** -Choose a nice, non-edible reward for your hard work- pair of boots

Hi, I was surfing for stuff about Weight Watchers and I came upon your page, very inspirational!! You have accomplished a tremendous goal! I hope you are very proud of yourself, and hopefully i can find the willpower to better myself as you have :o)