BFTC Phase I Goals

As promised, here are my goals for Phase I. There’s still time to get involved with the challenge! Click here and get your ass moving!

Exercise: 20 workout sessions for the month (cardio/weight training)
H2O: 96oz per day–2,976 oz for Phase I
Lbs/Inches Lost: The scale moves sloooooooooooowly, so I’m going for inches…thighs in particular. I want 1 inch gone by the end of Phase 1.
New activity/exercise/class: Power Yoga (extra goal: Improve my LAF ride time from last year)
Reward: New bike jersey

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I’m ready to go play.


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dear diva of the dallas stroll patrol…i love you muy muy much. you are my hero, for reals. -71.5 because YOU inspire me. thank you for helping me get my life back.

October 1, 2005

You deserve your inches lost with this focus and program.

October 2, 2005

It’s me, Jadalove! I’ve got a personal diary that you are invited to read.. stop by! I finally had the time to set it up…. now it’s your turn!

October 3, 2005

well hell I am in at a much lower level of participation….

October 3, 2005


ryn: he loves me.